Example sentences of "[n mass] 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Any fishkeeper who has seen the fry 's response to the flicking of the black pelvic fins of their mother will have no doubt that communication is taking place .
2 Conner Peripherals Inc has now finalised the deal under which Overland Data Inc takes over all manufacturing , marketing and engineering rights to the Cipher 995 9-track and T480 18-track tape drive product lines , as well as all Cipher brand and trademark rights ; the acquisition will immediately double Overland Data 's turnover to a figure running at $24m a year .
3 Before this time , fans were referred to mainly as ‘ ruffians ’ or ‘ tearaways ’ and the use of ‘ hooligan ’ marks a distinct stage in the media 's contribution to deviancy amplification .
4 In this chapter , we look in closer detail at the media 's relationship to public disorder .
5 The people 's assent to the covenant is formally sealed by a special sacrifice , and by the covenant meal eaten by their representatives in the presence of God .
6 A similar thing has happened to Ms , especially in Britain and Australia : instead of replacing Miss and Mrs it has been added to the system to make a further distinction , referring in many people 's usage to older unmarried women , divorcees and ‘ strident feminists ’ — in other words , to ‘ abnormal ’ and ‘ unfeminine ’ women who have not been able to get — or keep — a man .
7 Much of the data on the health effects of radiation has come from studying the surviving victims of the 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs , where the Japanese people 's exposure to radiation was of an extremely large dose in a matter of seconds .
8 Every item must perforce pay the tribute of the Chinese people 's gratitude to and love for Mao or Chou , and also to Hua .
9 The principal transitions from one phase of people 's life to another were thought of as crises and as a result the community to which they belonged assisted with the appropriate rituals .
10 Within the sectors there is always a keeping to the fore the awareness that long-lasting solutions to the country 's health problems rest on the economic , political and cultural transformations of people 's day to day lives .
11 It is good to see the increasing use of TOP techniques , such as brainstorming , in people 's day to day jobs , as well as on specific projects .
12 As well as providing a useful way of looking at people 's response to the Earth through the physical structures which have survived , and as a way of interpreting legend , the Spectrum of Response is also a framework into which we can fit our own relationship to the landscape .
13 You will not always be understood , or always understand people 's response to you , but plunge in anyway .
14 Yesterday the Rev John Wilson , minister at Corporation Road , said he was encouraged by local people 's response to efforts the church is making to provide a focus for a range of activities .
15 Well , it means that whatever other people 's attitude to teachers may be , Christians are expected to love them , because however successfully they manage to hide it , all teachers are human and therefore designed by God to carry his likeness .
16 so the feeling of the gypsies to what to us is probably equally antagonistic as most people 's attitude to gypsies
17 The serious point I 'm making is that , too often , in schools , the kind of questions are focused on just what is least interesting , not the , people 's attitude to witches , or to their bodies , or their attitudes to women , to children , all these things which are now considered part of the historian 's province , but instead we get saddled with the Treaty of Uncia Scolesi and the Repeal of the Corn Laws , and this is worrying .
18 It 's only really in the last two general elections that we have begun to bring fun and excitement into campaigns , to raise people 's enthusiasm to the point where they can let down their reserve a little bit .
19 This same knee-jerk reaction lies behind people 's resistance to making retirement flexible .
20 Measures to increase people 's resistance to infection are also important in prevention , and it is in this context that immunisation has played such a major role ( p. 82 ) .
21 There are several examples of this process in this Special Issue as well as examples of people 's resistance to it .
22 If deaf people 's link to the hearing world and to the information distributed by the hearing world is faulty , then unless they have recourse to a second hearing person who can act as a check they will be unaware of the faults of the first hearing signer .
23 continue to jog people 's memory to actually get collecting and get sending it to you .
24 So , whatever else followed in the wretched little saga that I am about to describe , it is crystal clear that , right from the outset , the real object behind the Government 's manoeuvrings was the cutting back — indeed , the large-scale elimination — of people 's entitlement to back payments of benefits where there had been official error .
25 Attempts on the part of the client to interact with other people as well as the nature of other people 's contact to them ( positive , negative , conversation , or assistance ) and each person 's challenging behaviour was also recorded , using individually specified definitions .
26 There are many effects of worship : we know of the victories in the Old Testament resulting from the people 's obedience to God 's instruction to worship him .
27 If the Vietminh still seemed to be the only movement capable of achieving the fulfilment of the people 's aspiration to national independence and to social justice , it nevertheless ruled with the aid of physical terror and moral constraint .
28 Some present detailed programmes for change which will require legislation , for instance , legislation to improve the levels of pension and older people 's access to employment .
29 How does physical access to , and within , buildings affect people 's access to employment , training , education and leisure ?
30 Unquestioningly treating Disabled and non-Disabled people the same may obstruct Disabled people 's access to recreational , training , employment , funding and promotion opportunities .
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