Example sentences of "[n mass] in [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Numbers of senior house officers have risen by 14% in three years — far more than was intended — and , by not substantially reducing the number of registrars , JPAC has failed to keep to its terms of reference .
2 In real terms , the figure has risen almost 25% in ten years .
3 That , in turn , would destroy the government 's anti-inflation credentials ( inflation has fallen from 30% to less than 12% in two years ) and make higher real interest rates likely .
4 A SPIN-OFF from the Teesside Women 's Cancer Prevention Unit appeal , which has raised over £ 5m in four years , became £500 richer yesterday thanks to staff at the Royal Mail sorting office in Middlesbrough .
5 Ledbetter , who was attracted to the subsidiary out of patriotic , America-first aspirations , believes the until will be worth $100m in two years .
6 Only 40% thought that there will be a united Ireland one day but few expected it in the short term — 16% expected it to come about in 25 years , 13% in 50 years and 11% in 100 years .
7 He alleges that when Lairds was sold in the 1980s , VSEL agreed to pay £40m to the Treasury if their profits exceeded £100m in five years .
8 But the Money advice Trust , set up in 1990 with the aim of raising £9M in three years towards money advice services , has so far received only £275,000 in cash , although another £349,000 has been pledged and staff have been seconded to the value of £450,000 .
9 Some fear this may have harmed the LME 's reputation , and could drive prices , which have fallen by 50% in two years , still lower .
10 This effectively reduces the number of hauliers required and Distribution Services has reduced its supplier base by over 50% in two years [ chart 2 ] .
11 Mintel has extrapolated the figures , assuming the same level of inflation , and reckons the simplest funeral could cost a bereaved family £6,230 in 25 years ' time .
12 Lifestyle studies like these are usually the source of the acronyms such as ‘ yuppies ’ , ‘ dinkies ’ , ‘ glams ’ , etc. , that have been enthusiastically bandied about the media in recent years .
13 The cliffs themselves are banted back in order to make them safe from rock falls and so forth , but they , they do still suffer from weathering attack by rain , by frost , and the combination of salt from spray and frost is quite damaging , so that anybody who walks along the undercliff knows that in winter , for example , you tend to get a sludge of erm white erm finely divided wet chalk which sledges off erm cliff , particularly those people in recent years who 've walked behind the marina , where it no longer gets washed off by the high tide erm where Brighton Corporation have to keep trying to remove it .
14 I 'm also hoping to put in time capsules , so people in 150 years time will know what what was happening in Southmoor and the locality .
15 In Britain this has averaged about 70% in recent years .
16 The Plan also expressed the Library 's concern at the loss of knowledge and experience following the retirement of several senior staff in recent years .
17 They practically doubled the council staff in 5 years .
18 The owners of 150 distilleries have now agreed to sell power to the state electricity companies , and estimate that by replacing the present steam turbines with gas turbines they can increase their output from 200 MW to 3,000 MW in 15 years .
19 The Spurs Club in London raised the magnificent sum of £760 in three years for a variety of armed services ' benevolent funds .
20 Well here 's news for IBM — at the present rate , it will have lost 100% of its mainframe sales in five years , almost all of them not to competing IBM products but to competing companies .
21 A number of Germans and Danes have either bought or rented land in Scotland to keep the cattle they have bought at sales in recent years or have made management agreements with local farmers pending the lifting of the export ban .
22 From sales support to head of IFA Sales in 24 years — ‘ Brilliant ! ’
23 THE uniform business rate , which almost tripled Roger 's rates to £6,250 in two years ;
24 All these species have been affected by oil pollution which , while not always severe , is nearly always present and may have caused marked declines of some species in recent years .
25 Muffet the bearcat peers out curiously at her new home in London Zoo , where she and new partner Brendan are the first of their species in 20 years .
26 Even within a mobile industry the staff turnover of 95% in 4 years was high and as the office handled a steady influx of new faces , there were subtle changes in the chemistry of the staff .
27 One problem is that although they stay slim they grow very tall , up to 11ft in six years .
28 Only 40% thought that there will be a united Ireland one day but few expected it in the short term — 16% expected it to come about in 25 years , 13% in 50 years and 11% in 100 years .
29 Sea levels around Venice have risen by about 23 cm in 50 years .
30 If one has to pay a creditor £100 in one years time , it is not necessary to have £100 today .
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