Example sentences of "[n mass] and [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Flying at 2,000mph and at an altitude of 80,000ft crews often saw more of the world in one day than most people see in their lifetime .
2 Opposition parties continue to accuse the ruling PS of suppression of dissent , in particular by restricting access to the media and by an unfair electoral law .
3 A United States State Department travel advisory warning to US citizens on April 21 , alerting them to alleged security risks in Kenya , drew an angry response from local media and from an official of the ruling Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) the following day .
4 In July 1914 air travel was still a novelty to many people and during an outing by employees of an Accrington firm of billiard table makers to Blackpool , a deaf employee named Jack Hargreaves became possibly the first deaf man ever to go up in an aeroplane when he went up as a passenger in a two-seater Fokkers biplane piloted by a Mr. H. Blackburn .
5 Sir Anthony launched his investigation last November following complaints by MPs and after an independent report into the DTI 's role by the former Monopolies Commission chairman , Sir Godfray Le Quesne , which the then Trade Secretary , Lord Young , concluded cleared his department of any responsibility .
6 Competition between male mountain goats is rather less than in some other species and as an evolutionary result the sexes are very similar in size and appearance .
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