Example sentences of "[n mass] and [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 With these highly significant aircraft and with a track record of only ten years from on site to ‘ crowned ’ TMAM 's new aircraft hall is indeed a ‘ high speed hangar ’ .
2 Hawks could n't afford to repair the aircraft and after a long rest in the hangar , it was bought by Ed Connerton who rebuilt it as a two-seat military aircraft registered NX2491 .
3 Note : The price quoted is based on an exchange rate of 2,250 IL = £1 and on a group of 28 passengers , and is subject to possible increase with lower numbers or a lower value of the pound , as per DA Study Tours brochure conditions ( available on request ) .
4 At the casualty the wind was still Force 8 to 9 with a rough sea now running more than 9ft and with a large swell estimated at more than 30ft .
5 It followed , therefore , that most of the military appointments to which Scottish freeholders and burgh councillors aspired were in the line infantry and to a lesser degree the cavalry , augmented during the wars with France at the turn of the century with numerous local military units of a temporary nature .
6 So eager were the Highlanders to be in action that they charged forward prematurely , to be swept by further fire from the hated artillery as well as by musket shots from the opposing infantry and from a detachment under the 18-year-old [ later Major-General ] James Wolfe , posted on the royal left flank , which took them in enfilade .
7 I volunteered for the Grenadier Guards , well I had to go to Chelsea Barracks and after a week there , they decided that I was n't medically fit for them , although the doctor or the M O at the Ipswich Recruiting Officer said , oh yes , you 're A one you 'll be fine for the guard but cos I was fairly well built , stature wise .
8 The Enterprise Router is available on two physical systems : in the Master Chassis and as a System Centre Module , and forms an integrated part of the intelligent hub .
9 Taking first the retirement pension of a single person at £52 and of a couple at £83.25 , the single person 's pension as a percentage of the couple 's pension is 62 per cent .
10 An idea of how good this is can be estimated by choosing a laser power of 100 W at 500 nm , ε = 0.3 , gravitational waves of frequency I kHz and of a few milliseconds ; the estimate is This implies an optical path length of 150 km , e.g. 150 passes over arms I km long .
11 Homosexuality does not birth new warriors for liberation … [ it ] is an accelerating threat to our survival as a people and as a nation . ’
12 As heir to the Disraelian belief in elevating the condition of the people and as a party seeking to enhance its image among working class voters , the Conservative Party could claim both a principled as well as a practical motive for maintaining the innovations of its predecessor .
13 Such dressings-down of the local bosses were naturally popular with the ordinary people and for a while at least they helped to foster the paternalist image of the General-Secretary .
14 The attitude of the extended family and friends towards black people and to a black child being part of their family , must be ascertained .
15 Observation of behaviour is no longer enough , for the cognitive processes of transactions between people and within a person are also essential topics for an ethologist 's exploration .
16 These inspired the Chinese people and within a few years , there had been major efforts to move away from the centralised , planned economic system which was typical of communist regimes .
17 ‘ They do it because they enjoy meeting people and like a change of scene , ’ she says .
18 Their bread and butter is reporting local events and local people and in a small community they are n't out to offend readers or cause major upset through distortion or misrepresentation .
19 Those who score highly overall on Machiavellian behaviour will be characterized by the use of guile and deceit in interpersonal relationships , by a cynical view of other people and by a lack of concern for conventional morality .
20 To ask the Minister for the Arts what steps he is taking to encourage access to opera by young people and by a wider range of the public generally .
21 There are plans to make shares available to staff and to a group of sponsors headed by Die Zeit 's literary editor Fritz Raddatz .
22 The restaurant , resplendent with glass chandeliers and mirrors , prides itself on offering high quality meals , impeccably served by professional staff and with a good choice of menu .
23 This junior rank was introduced by the agency during the course of the research in an attempt to establish a training grade for field staff and as a means of relieving district officers of some of the simpler but time-consuming tasks of routine river sampling .
24 Kim began to study the time these meridians were formed in different species and in a way , echoing Burr 's reports , found that within the embryonic chick , for example , they manifested within fifteen hours of conception !
25 Well , a wide choice of airplanes and missions — a responsive flight model and control system — graphics and to a lesser degree sound of a high standard — a campaign option for more depth of play — and that elusive quality which is really a combination of all of these — PLAYABILITY .
26 Plots can be produced in up to eight colours with a step size of either 0.025mm or 0.1 mm and with a repeatability of 0.1 mm or less .
27 Led by Lt Fusata Iida they flew in at a height of 50ft and within a few minutes the airfield was a smoking mess .
28 The fight with Tucker , in the meantime , will earn Lewis a contractually agreed 80 per cent of £6m and with a clause in the agreement which gives him and his management access to the courts if King indulges in the questionable manoeuvres for which he is not unknown .
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