Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb past] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The vole pointed a few paces further along .
2 Men with £3 — £4 were probably smallholders , but , although £2 attracted the same rate of tax , men at this level tended to overlap with those beneath , their assessments being reduced to £1 on some occasions .
3 There was no demonstrable prejudice to Findlay by the amendment : the case against him , based on the admissions. remained the same : that he had agreed to rob the Hainault post office at a date unknown .
4 Otherwise their wonderful staff seemed the same as ever , headed by Mrs Julie Hughes who runs the place so well ; Miss Barbara Hopkins , who has been there since Forest Mere opened , and is invaluable in seeing you have every comfort in your bedroom .
5 ‘ A lot of people received a little money .
6 She felt reassured from the article that other people suffered the same symptoms as she did , and could already identify her own propensity to jump to the conclusion that people looked down on her in the absence of any hard evidence .
7 Bartlett was particularly concerned with stories , and in his method of serial reproduction people re-told the same story at varying intervals up to several months after it was presented .
8 People who played golf did , of course , and rich people , but the majority of people wore the same sort of clothes all the time .
9 I felt other people felt the same way about silly things .
10 On Feb. 6 Fianna Fáil MPs chose the former Finance Minister , Albert Reynolds , as the new party leader .
11 Acheson said that the joint chiefs of staff preferred the latter course of action .
12 Table 15 indicates that 45% of authorities experienced an increase in allocated money , while 31% had the same amount and 11% had less for 1984/5 .
13 ’ It may be all right for those who choose happily , but think of the mistakes that could be avoided if people had a little help .
14 After the performance , most people had the same idea : make their way from their actually more but socially less exalted levels of red and orange and purple down to the pink VIP level .
15 The following points were all made individually — of the seven who responded to this section , no two people had the same view on what was least useful .
16 Wondering if other people held the same opinion as Adam , she had casually questioned Candy as they drove into town together .
17 Many other re-cycled or over estimated works shared the same fate .
18 If two different species showed the same coloration , this merely confirmed that they were both subject to the same orthogenetic trend .
19 For example , in Greene 's ( 1970a ) experiment subjects were asked to sort pairs of statements according to whether the statements in a pair had the same or a different meaning .
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