Example sentences of "[n mass] [coord] for the " in BNC.

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1 So you can go ahead with your Malawis , but bear in mind that you 'll need extra tanks for their fry and for the Julie fry ( you need to remove these at about 1″ — carefully and gradually , to avoid parental upsets ) .
2 The spatial query language tools which a GIS uses for general interaction with spatial data and for the elucidation of spatial relationships have also been the subject of recent research ( Egenhofer 1989 ) .
3 Average power dissipation for the MCT-DP is less than 1.2W and for the MCT-ADR less than 1.5W .
4 Average power dissipation for the MCT-DP is less than 1.2W and for the MCT-ADR less than 1.5W .
5 In 1648 he was serving as a commissioner for the militia and for the collection of tax arrears in London , by which time he had also already branched out into commerce , being recorded as a shipowner .
6 The figure for the former was 17% and for the latter 13% .
7 A column for total sales and/or for the calculation of commission on a percentage basis would be added .
8 Were residential care facilities to evolve along these lines , life would be more fulfilling for mentally handicapped people and for the people who care for them .
9 And that , for most people and for the time being , said everything .
10 However , three of the examples quoted suggest that the alternatives are not mutually exclusive , and that it is quite possible for a person to be concerned both for people and for the task , for example .
11 I am convinced that , for the well-being of our people and for the preservation of the countryside , we have a clear duty to do all we can to prevent the further unrestricted sprawl of the great cities .
12 She equipped herself with secretarial skills when her family was growing up , and has worked for many interesting people and for the Diocese of Bath and Wells with Bishop John Bickersteth .
13 car parking for staff and for the public
14 And Littlewoods must be commended for the way it looks after its staff and for the role it has played as a responsible Liverpool employer .
15 Prices for the cottages start at £35,000 and for the estates at £85,000 .
16 For the sake not just of the American people but for the whole world , we pray that Mr Clinton will fulfill his promise .
17 Certain situations arise on almost any building project , such as the need for the employer to vary the works or for the contractor to require interim payments .
18 The comment from , Scottish & Newcastle 's finance director , was typical : ‘ I think it 's a very important concept that the board through management is responsible for seeing that internal control works and for the day-to-day detection of fraud , while the auditors also have a responsibility where it is material and affects the annual accounts . ’
19 A number of members went on Bill Morris 's chartered train on the 5th May 1990 , the highlight of which was the run from Settle to Carlisle along this route , which is spectacular for both its engineering works and for the countryside through which it passes .
20 Death duties were increased on estates of over £5,000 and for the first time , and an especial cause of the controversy with the Lords , taxes were levied on land : 20 per cent of the unearned increment on land values , levied on sales of land .
21 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
22 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
23 The trees at Orchard Croft Fruit Farm in Putley , Herefordshire , are weighed down with fruit and for the pickers , it 's a race to take the apples from the branches before the fruit falls .
24 This represented a cut in actual output for Kuwait of some 300,000 bpd and for the UAE of 400,000 bpd .
25 For information on other forms of cancer induced by tobacco use , see Factsheet No. 12 in this series and for the effects of pipe and cigar smoking on the lungs , see Factsheet No. 13 .
26 This was in early 1989 ; by the end of the year , after the pilot had been made and the EBU had given the enterprise the go-ahead , Ms Cann entered into negotiations with BBC Enterprises , responsible for distributing the series and for the merchandising rights .
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