Example sentences of "[n mass] [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 His imaginative pulse quickened almost at once , and in the second week of May he was able to report.that no fewer than 1,500 lines of Osorio had been completed .
2 ln the latter as operation may simply be a matter of conforming to standard practices established by collective experience over time .
3 What can be stated with some certainty is that ‘ London ’ is by no means the be-all and end-all of the emerging story and that an ‘ explosion ’ is occurring in terms of new record labels .
4 The Inquisition was by no means the be-all and end-all of the fight against corruption ; nor was the secret inner order of the Inquisition the ultimate either .
5 But their faces are by no means the same as Matteo 's : features and expressions , though consonant with the half-tender , half-dreamy look of Matteo 's Madonnas , are not based on any particular model .
6 This goes to show that alliances formed in the conflict over recreation and access to the countryside are by no means the same as those which coalesce over issues of wildlife preservation and landscape change .
7 And you did that with your two times table so because times means the same as sets of or lots of .
8 Since April last year we have assessed open market rents on 24 pubs in the Darlington area based on the new 20-year leases , and the average increase over the historic tenancy rent and transfer of machine income is in the region of 55pc the same as the national average .
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