Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [art] next " in BNC.

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1 1991 saw total Unix systems revenue in Europe climb to $6.9bn from $6bn in 1990. 1991 's growth of 15% is two points up on 1990 's 13% — IDC predicts a mean compound annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of 14% for the next six years , by which time it believes the European market will be worth some $16.3bn .
2 An application has been made to the Charity Commissioners for the Bradford Atea Project to be given registered charity status and the association has set itself a target of raising £20,000 during the next 12 months .
3 The imprest would also be £3.77 , so that the petty cash box contains £20 for the next day .
4 A new budget of £1,500 for the next six months should be enough for local advertising .
5 Bomber Command lost over 500 aircraft during the next few months over Berlin , and when you consider that this meant 3,500 fully trained men , it can be realised that it was a critical time .
6 DEC claims its UK workstation business will grow at a compound annual rate of 2% or 3% for the next few years , and ambitiously predicts its will overhaul Sun to become market leader by 1995/96 .
7 Beach capable of bigger cod in the next few weeks .
8 He is likely to be put on an aircraft in the next few days .
9 The Pentagon announced that women pilots in the navy and air force would be allowed to fly combat aircraft within the next few months .
10 But even as Mr Major urged the opposition parties not to do back-stage deals on the constitution , Labour revealed a plan to introduce proportional representation for the election of British Euro-MPs before the next European elections in June 1994 .
11 By conservative estimates the Dark Destroyer can earn at least £1million in the next 12 months .
12 The European Communities ( EC ) announced grant aid for Ethiopia worth $387,000,000 over the next five years , to be directed towards rural development and small-scale industry and agriculture , with the emphasis on the private sector .
13 The FE market was large and growing , and the recent Budget had allowed still further provision to expand it in line with government policy to increase student numbers by 25% over the next three academic years , Mr Whitnall said .
14 Under the plan , L&H 's 629 former partners are being asked to pay back over $40m over the next 10 years , with some partners ' personal assessments totalling as much as $400,000. 475 partners are thought to have approved the plan , but the remainder have either expressed their intention to appeal or have declared themselves personally bankrupt .
15 Mr Atkinson said the work would cost £60m over the first four years and between £11m and £15m over the next nine years .
16 I 've even considered picking up litter in different parts of London — or even different parts of the country — to include in the archive , as historical specimens of the varied treatment meted out to ephemera : the flyers with the coupons torn out , worth 15 pence off the next purchase in high-street supermarkets ; the junk-food cartons , the ketchup sachets and tiny envelopes of pepper and salt outside the fast-food places , and , by contrast , the pristine copies of Vogue , the printed dress boxes , emblazoned with trademarks and royal coats of arms , tossed into the dustbins of Kensington .
17 They will be paid £20 a year per acre for the first 12 acres , £10 for the next 12 , and £4 an acre for remaining land .
18 The letter from the plaintiffs solicitors in respect of question of interest one causes , the letter of the twenty ninth of January of nineteen ninety two , asking Mr to confirm , that in addition to the settlement figure of forty two thousand pounds in respect of costs he 'd be paying interest until the date of payment , and er , there was never a mind that erm which find a reply to in , in thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two by Mr , there 's no unqualified agreement in figure of forty two thousand pounds , I do not wish to appear obstructive but your clients must recognise that there are effectively two issues to be resolved , namely the payment of their costs and the division of the parts of other property , surely in all parties interest that none of these are resolved , so it is surely in all party interest that those , those are resolved contemporary and then the letter goes on to dealing with questions of valuation , the bottom paragraph on page thirty two in the bundle says in answer to your letter therefore is that there is no agreement to pay interest , if there is then my client must be credited with interest on his costs , and then it says surgery and finally if ove if overall agreement can not be reached then my client reserves his rights on the issue of costs and I feel that this could lead to an acrimonious and protracted taxation , at the end of the day I suspect it would only be enforced the order for costs about taking a charge in my clients interest in the surgery premises , does that improve your clients position at all , as I say that was the position of the thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two and during the remainder of nineteen ninety two there were then further negotiations , some of them appeared to have been carried out er personally between er doctor and er doctor which seems to of been the partner , dealing with the plaintiffs position and er he says about his non negotiable offer at page forty one in the bundle apparently attached to a letter of the twenty first of December nineteen ninety two and er that had a time limit on , the twenty second of March , there was a reminder on the twenty second of February and erm the plaintiffs solicitors wrote on the fourteenth of April nineteen ninety three raising the question of costs erm say that erm we have now received your clients instructions , that they would be prepared to accept the sum of forty two thousand in respect of their standard basis costs which is inclusive of V A T and disbursements , you remember that our initial schedule of costs which I set part of my letter of the eighth of October total fifty thousand , nine hundred and ninety eight pounds , twenty six pence , in addition to this our client would require interest from the which is as of todays date at seven hundred and sixty days at seventeen pounds , twenty six a day totalling thirteen thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds , sixty , in the circumstances I look forward to receiving your clients cheque for the sum of fifty five thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds and sixty pence within the next seven days and then it says I believe you were certainly agreeing have been very patient concerning your clients costs , but now we wish these to be paid and that was responded to er Mr on the twenty second of April er but why he quite has not been directly involved in the conversation for some time and there was not reasonable expected response for seven days from him , er and then he goes on to say that although he appreciates his firm is still on the record , I shall seek instructions from my client , but it maybe he would wish to give notice of acting in person and indeed that is in fact what happened , what happened in this case .
19 The animal with the baton smacked the sleeping animal in time to Midwinter 's staccato pronouncements. from the next room 1 heard a riff of a clarinet and toot of a trombone .
20 The company has agreed to keep the average rise in domestic telephone charges to four percentage points below inflation , and to lower international rates by 12% over the next three years , starting with an 8% cut in the first year .
21 The Bristol-based Frenchay Healthcare Trust , said the 89 job losses were needed to help cut spending by £2.3m over the next year .
22 GEC Plessey Semiconductors Ltd has won a volume supply contract with Conner Peripherals Inc projected to be worth about $100m over the next 30 months .
23 The Miniphone cellular network has gone into operation in Buenos Aires and some of its suburbs : the network is expected to have 10,000 users within a year , and is being run by Movistar — set up by Telecom Argentina SA , and controlled by STET SpA and France Telecom — and Telefonica Argentina ; initial investment in the project is $42m , but this is expected to rise to $100m over the next three years .
24 In the Far East it already has two partners in the shape of Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co Ltd and presently state-owned Singapore Telecom , and the trio say they will spend over $100m over the next few years on WorldPartners .
25 The Welsh FA have signed a sponsorship deal with Welsh Brewers Ltd which could net them more than £100,000 over the next three years .
26 The project will be funded by the World Bank which is to provide loans totalling $130m over the next four to six years to pay for hardware , software , consultancy and data entry .
27 The project will be funded by the World Bank which is to provide loans totalling $130m over the next four to six years to pay for hardware , software , consultancy and data entry .
28 But executive vice-president ACL Wieger Koornstra , speaking in Liverpool today , revealed that ACL cargoes handled by the port could increase by up to 4% over the next year .
29 A new town plans to increase it 's population by fifty percent during the next five years .
30 Melrose have also renewed their seven sponsorship with Bell 's the Perth-based whisky company committing £150,000 for the next three tournaments .
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