Example sentences of "[n mass] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bob , who retired from xxxxxx xxxxxx at the end of 1992 is seen escorting his daughter Wendy to her wedding last October .
2 It made a profit of $247m at the operating level , but did only $500m of business with the outside world , lagging far behind the leaders in the OEM disk business .
3 This Rate will be based on the total loss of height from the final turn , or final approach fix , to 0ft at the threshold .
4 Inbound rate of descent is based on the assumption of reaching 0ft at the threshold .
5 At the top of the scale , business must have taken a number of leading men out of town at the time the assessment was made , including , for example , Robert Thorne , Merchant Taylor and a notable benefactor to the City ; worth more than £20,000 at the time of his death in 1532 , he must have been one of the very richest men in England .
6 The seasonal cycle reaches 15 ppm at Point Barrow , Alaska , but declines to 1.6 ppm at the South Pole .
7 If the fasting breath hydrogen was greater than 12 ppm fasting was continued for up to 14 hours and a breath hydrogen persistently greater than 12 ppm at the end of this period was considered abnormal .
8 He sent a copy to Hall , with a request to sell it for sixpence at the exhibition .
9 From this level downward the temperature falls to 6.5° at the bottom .
10 The retained earnings ( cumulative profit and loss ) were $4.7m at the end of 1990 and -$24m at the end of 1991 .
11 The warrants will have an exercise price of £1 at the end of their nine-year life .
12 from its low point of 106cm in the fourteenth century , it had climbed rapidly to more than 120cm in the seventeenth and was well on its way to the twentieth-century average of about 137cm at the withers .
13 Switch on and check that you have 28V to 30V at the rectifier output , about 9V across capacitor C8 and something at the output terminals .
14 But the big spend as the group sorts out its core operations has already meant an increase in borrowing which have risen to £21m at the end of September compared with £160m the year before .
15 For example , with 10 per cent inflation , a sum of £100 saved in cash at the start of a year is worth only £100/1.1 = £90.91 at the end of the year .
16 There is a primitive look to them : they are small ( perhaps 100cm at the withers , and weighing 280–300kg , though they probably used to be larger ) and very narrow in the hindquarters .
17 It only got us the £15 at The Marquee for doing a show for Radio London , the old pirate radio station .
18 With the origin at the centre of the Earth θ runs from at the North Pole to 180° at the South Pole , and is related to the latitude .
19 ( With the origin at the centre of the Earth θ would run from at the North Pole to 180° at the South Pole , while φ ( the longitude ) runs from -180° to + 180° . )
20 A hundred and ninety four jobs are to go at Smiths Industries : the company says cuts in production of aircraft at the Boeing factories in America are to blame .
21 On August 14 , John Allison , considering the short hangar time he had on the aircraft , flew the Corsair in a beautiful aerobatic routine , and the following day he flew across to Coventry Airshow , Warks , to display the aircraft at the RAFA Airshow there .
22 In a counterattack the FARC claimed responsibility for the bombing of a bus in Medellín on Dec. 12 in which seven police officers were killed ; for five widely separated attacks on Dec. 13 during which an Army helicopter was badly damaged and an unspecified number of soldiers killed ; for the dynamiting of a police post in Medellín on Dec. 15 ; and the blowing up of an aircraft at the Villa Garzon airport , 482 km south of Bogotá in the south-western region of Putumayo , on Dec. 16 ( all 19 passengers having been evacuated beforehand ) .
23 The USA would boost its presence with F-111 fighter aircraft at the US/NATO Incirlik airbase , where UK and French fighter planes would also continue to be based .
24 Since purchasing his first aircraft at the age of 27 , Lindsey 's stable of aircraft has grown , with a second ‘ 108 , G-ASTG , being acquired late in 1967 , initially for the use of its engine as a spare for G-ATBG .
25 Everett , who had been ordered to take a rest at 98 trips , was testing aircraft at the Group Maintenance Unit when he heard that there was a spare aircraft going a-begging at his old squadron .
26 Jack Wotherspoon , experienced engine problems , the crew being ordered to bale-out but the pilot force-landing the aircraft at the mouth of the River Sele ; all were captured .
27 Perhaps this was because of the dull routine nature of their job , servicing and re-fuelling incoming aircraft at the rate of about one flight every hour that day .
28 The aircraft at the time were within the regulations which is reinforced by the fact that they crashed well away from the public area .
29 It was announced on Jan. 18 , 1990 , that in line with an overall reduction in " overseas commitments " , the Soviet Union had begun reducing its presence at the air and naval base of Cam Ranh Bay , with the withdrawal of MiG-23 and Tu-16 aircraft at the end of 1989 .
30 So I made an approach , a long low approach and happily there was a bit of a crosswind from the portside , I decided to use this crosswind to help me place the aircraft at the end of my run off the normal line of landing and nearer to the engineering hangar .
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