Example sentences of "[n mass] [conj] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Exposure — Bodily injury includes exposure resulting from misfortune by any aircraft or other conveyance where travel is permitted in which the Insured Person is travelling .
2 Secondly , CACI can specifically assess the catchment areas faced by any particular centre or retailer by analysing survey data , credit card data or other sources of customer information .
3 There is a wealth of Coventry-produced aircraft and other exhibits , dominated by the giant Armstrong-Whitworth built Argosy freighter of 1959 .
4 Grey or timber wolves are major predators of small mammals and birds , and also of caribou , reindeer and other deer ( for example moose ) that emerge onto the tundra in summer .
5 and are derived from Fertilizer Manufacturer Association data and other farming and trade sources .
6 By handling all network traffic in digital form , it is possible to integrate the processing of voice , computer data and other types of communication such as videoconferencing and videotelephony .
7 Secondly , the results of three studies suggest that aspirin or other NSAIDs , or both may prevent both primary and recurrent gall stone formation — apparently by inhibiting gall bladder mucosal prostaglandin synthesis , mucus glycoprotein production , and nucleation .
8 When the visiting spouse is accompanied by offspring or other family members , further modification of the partners ' behaviour may be perceived to be necessary .
9 Quinine caused fevers to plummet ; morphine dramatically reduced pain ; atropine , codeine , aspirin and other drugs , isolated from the old herbal preparations , had instant and theatrical effects .
10 None of the patients who regularly took aspirin and other NSAIDs experienced gall stone recurrence , compared with 20 recurrences in the 63 patients who did not ( p<0.02 Fisher 's exact test ) .
11 He gives up a day job to write down the stories — of the Secret Mountain , the Sound that could be Seen , the Slow Children and the Magic Duvet — that he once told for free to a rabble of offspring and other kin and friends .
12 The cost of a gallon of petrol is going up again from tomorrow , Shell is increasing the cost of the petrol by 3.2 pence a gallon to more than two pound thirty-four pence and other oil companies are thought likely to follow suit .
13 Olivetti , which supplies personal computers to DEC , expects Alpha and Intel Corp processors will each account for 35% of its hardware sales from 1995 , computer printers will account for 20% and other products 10% .
14 Rental income and development profits doubled their contribution to £10.5m and other property income brought in £1.5m more .
15 Built on stilts , the hotel overlooks a floodlit waterhole and salt lick frequented by elephant , buffalo , rhino and other forest animals .
16 Bombay police said that some of the six fled to Dubai shortly before and others shortly after 13 bombs devastated the Bombay stock exchange , the Air India headquarters and other targets .
17 Set on feet of dolphins , the tureen is elaborately decorated with grapevines , armorials , crayfish , birds of prey , cockerels , sheep and other animals .
18 It is important to bear in mind that , in contrast with trade effluents which disappear into sewers , most effluents discharging directly into watercourses are visible — and even if the discharge is not visible , its consequences ( in the form of dead fish or other damage to the river 's vital signs ) certainly are .
19 Certainly , ISDN services in some form will provide opportunities for libraries to increase the range of their offerings by allowing occasional access on demand to some of the varied multimedia and other information services that will be offered on the new networks .
20 These included the information that Army Group E had been able to establish a road block on the frontier , and was : " in touch with 21 and 19 Corps and other troops south of DRA VA consisting of 300,000 Germans and 200,000 Croats greater part armed .
21 Until recently the dating of the famous wall paintings of bison and other animals relied largely on external evidence such as the dating of bones and other remains found in the caves , together with stylistic analysis of the paintings .
22 Livestock can appear to become split between two or more pieces of glass and while this may not initially seem to be a problem , it can become very irritating when you have to keep altering your viewing position to see your fish and other livestock in their entirety .
23 Submerged oxygenating plants are those that we affectionately refer to as ‘ weeds ’ , and their function is to maintain healthy , well-oxygenated water for the fish and other livestock .
25 Fish and other livestock are essential in maintaining a healthy environment in the pool .
26 Fish and other organisms have been successively destroyed over large areas of the creek , and surviving fish have become chronically diseased .
27 By 1975 , Norwegian rivers such as the Tovdal , famous for salmon fishing within living memory , were turning acid and losing their fish and other life .
28 Organic pollutants take oxygen from water , and if present in sufficient quantities will kill fish and other life , including plant life .
29 The workshop report also noted that because of the abundance of ‘ … stocks of fish and other prey are subject to considerable fluctuations … [ a ] comparison of fishery yields or stock levels before and after a seal cull would almost certainly not provide a reliable indication of its effect . ’
30 Both types are voracious carnivores , preying on fish and other crustaceans , but Odontodactylus , which can grow to six inches ( fifteen centimetres ) in length , is also a threat to the very fabric of the aquarium .
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