Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] over the " in BNC.

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1 The remaining 17% occurred over the 10 seconds preceding the onset of the common cavity episode , being evenly distributed through this time .
2 As Kmart has begun putting these data to work over the past few years , the company 's operations have become steadily more centralised .
3 Survey data collected over the last three decades will be re-analysed to see whether changes in the geography of economic and social well-being in Great Britain have led to either or both of changed political attitudes and changed partisan allegiances .
4 A re-assessment of meteorological data collected over the last 100 years has confirmed that the earth has warmed by 0.5C over that period .
5 An analysis of data collected over the past 50 years by national forestry ministries shows , however , that there has been a sharp decline in the volume of boreal wood " and hence the capacity to absorb carbon dioxide " since the 1960s , as a result of more intensive logging and increased dieback because of the effects of acid rain , pests and fires .
6 Tatton Park director Mike Beaufoy said : ‘ Income comes to the estate from visitor admissions , open air events , concerts and filming in the open air these are all affected by aircraft flying over the estate .
7 This model , based initially on the fairly crude neuroanatomical data available a century ago , has stood the test of time remarkably well but data obtained over the last two decades have prompted modifications in the details .
8 As the aircraft continued over the wood it started to fly erratically , described by a second witness as ‘ swaying from side to side as if under the control of a novice ’ .
9 THE body of the pilot of a light aircraft missing over the North Pennine moors for six hours was found among wreckage last night .
10 A MORI poll conducted in 1981 found that among skilled workers in the North of England , Labour had a 32% lead over the Conservatives .
11 So fish are aware of the popply , slapping noises that other fish make as they travel at speed through the water , of the clicks made by crustaceans snapping their hard shells and the scrapings made by fish grazing over the coral .
12 Meanwhile unrest in Franch has spread to Paris ’ main wholesale food market , where more than 800 French fishermen went on the rampage , smashing stalls and weighing scales and leaving hundreds of pounds of fish strews over the ground before clashing with riot police today .
13 Fishkeepers should always bear in mind that the majority of their fish have over the period of evolution become adapted to live in a certain environment — sea , river , swamp , lake , etc … each with its own specific limits of water chemistry and quality .
14 The Eel spat over the cliff .
15 Despite a worldwide decline in average sperm counts over the past 50 years , those of Finnish men remain roughly twice those of men in other countries , according to Finnish research .
16 Despite the joint EC stand , pressure on the lira continued over the following days , and on Sept. 9 the Italian government sought three-year emergency powers to meet the present or future economic crises [ see p. 39113 ] , while on Sept. 11 there was massive intervention in the markets by the Bank of Italy and the Bundesbank .
17 Building the steps into the patio create a stairwell , so provision has to be made to prevent people stepping over the side and into the stairwell accidentally .
18 FIVE people quizzed over the IRA 's City of London and Staples Corner bombings were released without charge yesterday as a seven-day deadline for holding them expired .
19 I 'm still not keen on that side of it — it 's nice to be popular , it 's nice to be loved , but it 's not so nice to be chased round and to be on the front page of the paper every day of your life , with people climbing over the wall all day long .
20 As the ‘ degree of control a person or a collectivity of people exercises over the actions of others ’ the sociological examination of power is conventionally linked with male-oriented stratification analysis , and with the analysis of formal institutions such as government .
21 The local newspaper , the Los Angeles Times , put the total number of people shot over the weekend at 53 .
22 So people walk over the racecourse , do they ?
23 Economics and geography could be altered by human , at least European , agency : ‘ Reversing the trend of people going over the border is the long-term objective ’ ( whose objective — whether that of the World Bank , of Britain , of other unnamed financial interests , or even perhaps of the Lesothans themselves — is left unclear ) .
24 Branson had made countless such sales trips over the years , and it was not a task he relished .
25 This worked very well , but in 1988 people were pushing in from the sides instead of joining the queues , and tempers were becoming frayed and the situation somewhat dangerous as people trampled over the numerous electricity cables and water pipes .
26 Erm so people getting over the fences in in the flats while
27 As the mass media evolved over the course of time , certain professional ‘ rules ’ were developed .
28 The English had removed the head of a king as early as 1649 , and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 could be interpreted as an example of Rousseau 's ‘ general will ’ of the people triumphing over the Divine Right of Kings .
29 The worldwide recession has caused the value of sales to decline over the past three years , with a resultant drop in profits .
30 in 1992 , everything ( apparently ) starts with a D. With D-Ream and D-Influence leading the new D-Mobs , it would be a shame if people passed over the name D*Note .
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