Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , statistical testing should not be used as a substitute for theoretical ideas by simply dredging the data for any statistically significant relationships that happen to be present .
2 It 's asking $25,000 from companies with $25m in revenues , $15,000 from firms in the $7.5m to $25m bracket and $5,000 from those below $7.5m .
3 In Chapter 12 Brown reviews the development of geodemographics from its origins in the computer-based social area analysis of US census tract data from 1950 onwards .
4 The rate of secretion in both groups fell by 25% without any statistically significant change in pyloric loss or duodenogastric reflux .
5 Purchases of $700,000 to $1.5m rate 30% on either product , sales of up $700,000 rate 10% on either too .
6 The report , which was more detailed than required , contained data on many previously unknown facilities and included information on a controversial installation at Yongbyon , 100 km north of Pyongyang , the capital .
7 Codd 's research was directed at a very real problem , that is the deletion , insertion and update of data on these very large files .
8 A small-scale study of women caring for frail elderly relatives found average earnings losses of £87 a week among women who had given up or been unable to return to work and average weekly losses of £28 among those still in paid work ( Nissel and Bonnerjea , 1982 ) .
9 1052 adult members of the Association of Cystic Fibrosis Adults UK , accounting for 68% of those with cystic fibrosis in the United Kingdom population over 16 years of age and over 80% of those over 25 in June 1990 .
10 In a 1987 survey , though , 17% of those under 25 claimed some knowledge of Gaelic .
11 I said the thing is that I pay sixty pence for five well I said it costs me another sixty pence to come and change them !
12 They 're ninety nine pence and I paid thirty pence for four today .
13 During periods of very cold weather , you may in some cases be able to claim an additional £5 for each very cold week .
14 Charges are £95 for Homecheck , £60 for Home Energy Audit , or £125 for both together ( all plus VAT .
15 Part-time farmer Michael Murray and his wife Elizabeth , from Athlone , Co Westmeath , received two cheques for more than £100,000 after both unintentionally entered the same set of winning numbers .
16 So that 's sixty pence in thirty today and thirty tomorrow .
17 The Hong Kong stock market surged ahead 42% in 1991 alone , not to mention the property markets ; and Deng Xiaoping 's visit to the special economic zone bordering Hong Kong earlier in February was seen internationally as indication of the government 's commitment to pursuing links with Western market economies .
18 three very different folk from three very different trades …
19 Breakfast would be at 8.00 am and parents would return to collect their offspring at 9.30 am .
20 Under the Counter-Inflation ( Business Rents ) Order , 1913 , it had in the neat figure of speech , or of jargon , employed by politicians ‘ frozen ’ the rent of £600 for those obviously highly desirable premises situated in London SW3 .
21 If you hook a specimen fish in 1991 then make sure you tell the Mail .
22 But many fish in these particularly turbid waters have additional navigational devices .
23 The great depth of the body , lacking the rotundity found in other species , would make the bream a very ungainly fish without these exceptionally long fins on the back and belly to balance , stabilise and allow it to swim on an even keel .
24 However , 35% believed that nation and state were inseparable , and so , logically enough , 31% of workers — 39% among those under 40 years — concluded that the German Democratic Republic now formed a different nation , because it was a different state .
25 ‘ It having been stated to Samuel Whitbread Esq. , and to me … that Mary Flint , now in the Bedford Infirmary , is in danger of death in consequence of the wounds and injuries which she received from you , we intend to take her examination at the said Infirmary on Tuesday 8th October inst. at 1 o'clock of the afternoon of which I give you this notice that you may if you think proper be present . ’
26 Californian start-up , Integrix Inc , has a metal enclosure for Sparc cloners similar in footprint and design to the standard Sun Sparcstation 2 chassis with three externally accessible SBus slots and accessories like an LED , speaker , cabling and drive mounting hardware .
27 Leave that island there 's no statistics for that so do n't colour it in .
28 The proportion living with parents fell with increasing age , from 82% of those under 20 to 15% of those over 30 and none of those over 40 .
29 Now it 's hoped future generations will leave statistics like that behind .
30 The conservation of the fivefold symmetry also holds for 250 of the water molecules which show an average r.m.s.d. from exact fivefold symmetry of 0.3Å .
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