Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although parts of Sun , such as Sun Federal , have reportedly been flirting with IXI , Sun headquarters has clearly labelled the firm a competitor going so far as to put a last-minute kibosh on a real estate deal that would have moved IXI headquarters in Cambridge , England into Sun UK 's offices as a tenant .
2 The concentration on Heron 's bond issues in Switzerland , where only lead managers can call a default , leaves a potential conflict of interest if the banks which issued the bonds for Heron sought now to negotiate against the company .
3 The aircraft swooped in to land , almost touching the little buildings of Kowloon .
4 He apprehends this to the extent that he carefully paces his pursuit of V. to defer ever completing his search .
5 The loss of the aerodynamic download normally provided by the horizontal tail surfaces in cruising flight caused the aircraft to pitch rapidly nose down with no possibility of recovery from the ensuing dive .
6 Of 70 injectors interviewed in depth , only 25% reported never having shared syringes ; 57% reporting reusing syringes in the previous six months , using a range of cleaning agents including household bleach .
7 No man.who has not experienced it can have an idea of the fantastic rage and force of the German attack … ’ adding , with a characteristic note of compassion , ‘ the poor horses ! ’
8 Control Data has already received $300,000 from the Federal budget for these purposes .
9 The only irritation is that Comet Data has n't installed the drivers for the mouse or the graphics card , you have to do this yourself .
10 Stardent established AVS Inc in 1991 to muster some extra cash for its crumbling empire — the software , an environment for viewing complex graphics data has always faired reasonably well in the scientific and technical community .
11 For about 15 years Lindsey averaged 20 airshows per season with the ‘ 108 , and the aircraft has probably participated in more airshows than any other UK warbird .
12 The aircraft has since departed for its new base at East Midlands Airport .
13 With very limited resources and a minute technology base , the quality and innovation of Japan 's aircraft has always deserved serious study .
14 She believes Jack was probably rounded up off the moors by a dealer who intended to sell him to be fattened up for slaughter.He has now joined hundreds of other animals at the centre who have been rescued .
15 for the British , this meant state-owned airlines flying state-developed aircraft operating on agreed internationally controlled routes and frequencies .
16 The new data put tight limits on the difference in mass , m , of the base states .
17 I managed to hold the aircraft straight for a short distance , running on the nosewheel which , luckily , had escaped damage , but as the speed came off the aircraft slewed sharply left and I came to a slithering , steaming halt about 200 metres the other side of the dyke , well off the runway .
18 The left wing impact caused the aircraft to yaw sharply left and it came to rest erect on a heading of 150°M around 3.5 metres beyond the initial impact point , with the nose embedded 1.3 metres into the demolished lower comer of the building .
19 ( The data shown here come from the work of John Griffith and colleagues at Birmingham University who have pioneered many of the techniques in this field . )
20 Arriving at Agheila they discovered that all the aircraft based there left at night , so something else had to be improvised .
21 The full data set also includes DHSS information on unemployment benefits ( including Supplementary Benefits ) paid to sample members .
22 The curved members were made up from 2 pieces of 5x2 in. sawn roughly to shape and joined by double mortice and tenon , as was used at the top to join the curved members and the centre glazing bar .
23 The rebuild took just a year , the aircraft having previously suffered an accident at Clacton in January 1986 .
24 Electronic information is , furthermore , printed in only a limited number of possible manifestations — frequently the minimal amount of data needed uniquely to record the transaction .
25 But I 'm always reminded of a large bomber aircraft coming in to land , moving very much more slowly than you 'd expect for something of its size .
26 Yesterday Capt Roy Beaumont , Loganair 's operations director , said that although the plane involved was an ATP , the down draught could have had the same effect on any aircraft coming in to land .
27 9 Jun 65 saw both French and United States certification , and in the same month the new aircraft went on to establish two world records .
28 This is the 4.5-ton ‘ pod ’ , two of which are strapped to the belly of every Tornado aircraft sent out to disable an Iraqi airfield : the pod disgorges high-explosive bombs that leave craters , as well as anti-personnel bombs to complicate the task of clearing up the damage .
29 Jones ' best data did not exist until 1989 ; by the time that he met with the two chemists he had measured ‘ run number 6 ’ ( see Figure 4 , page 69 ) which is shown in his paper as the most dramatic signal and which proved to the BYU team 's satisfaction that they were right .
30 A group of scientists whose data did not agree with the claimed ‘ cold fusion ’ received threats of legal action .
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