Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Continuity in marketing can count for a lot , but not if consumer attitudes are going through a sea change , and BMW 's light-footedness in launching the 3-series earned it the brand of the year award for durables .
2 The silver pince-nez gave him the air of a rather unpleasant schoolmaster .
3 I think one of the most valuable points that emerged from the Felixstowe experience , as far as I was concerned anyway was the fact that with all those people there when we heard their views , erm , it was quite apparent that it was n't the case of local people opposing what the County Council traffic people propose to do , many there were many different and varying interests there and , and we , we could , we can then basically come to a conclusion which satisfied , satisfied I hope most of them , but , we , we , at that meeting among the local people some supporters with some of our road safety and some were very much against them , others were neutral , but it was n't just a question of erm a , a united opposition of what we proposed to do er , and this was very valuable .
4 In spite of the strangeness of Eliot 's behaviour , however , few people begrudged him the happiness which in personal relations he had never experienced before : " He obviously needed to have a happy marriage , " Valerie Eliot said on a later occasion , " He could n't die until he had had it " .
5 PEOPLE send me the funniest letters .
6 The media dub it the ‘ slimming disease ’ , and shake their heads in dismay at foolish girls ( and now boys ) who ‘ suffer from ’ this ‘ bewildering ’ ‘ illness ’ .
7 Q. Why do some people do everything the food experts tell them and still have high cholesterol levels ?
8 Summers says so , but he has n't seen the pictures , and there are always problems with stories that emphasise the power of Meyer Lansky ; he became a kind of bogeyman , credited with old crimes to boost a reputation which helped people do what the Mob wanted .
9 They might have fared more comfortably had they sailed a longer journey — from Kingsburgh up to Waternish point , a journey which would then have taken them directly down into Loch Dunvegan — although local people told me the weather here can come up very quickly , and perhaps Allan Macdonald 's boat was not adequately large .
10 ‘ I used to play there as a boy , and people told us the tunnels went all the way to Cuchulain 's castle .
11 Few people give themselves the time to think clearly about their own futures .
12 But the job of lifting the standards of people employed , giving them proper training , and paying a wage which breaks dependence on overtime and lifts morale : this together must far exceed the costs of the technology , and it is n't by any means clear what the bill will be or where the money will come from .
13 ‘ It 's always been difficult to let people see what the collective living is about ’ , says one member of the site community .
14 The zebra was released by people calling themselves the Animal Liberation Front
15 People know what the boundaries are ; they know where they should act on their own and where not .
16 That makes it even more important for the trades council rank and file to be represented at the T U C Congress , so people know what the reality is .
17 Police investigating the murder of John Stanley , who was fourteen and from Moss side in Manchester , say that some people know who the killer is , but are too frightened to speak out .
18 Staff contacted him the following day and told him Mrs Bennett had arrived at 2.30am and was unconscious .
19 That 's why we aim to empower young people to give them the maximum choice to build their own success .
20 When I was put in charge of the start-up at Fawley at the ripe old age of twenty-nine most of my team were people who were twenty years older than I was and being on shift with a lot of operating people taught me the problems and the realisation that I could learn a hell of a lot from them — the realisation that the chap on the shop floor usually knows far more about what 's going on than management does .
21 " A Great Russian " put out a flysheet in St Petersburg in July 1861 which argued that " The educated classes must take the conduct of affairs out of the hands of the incapable government and into their own " ; otherwise , " patriots will be compelled to call upon the people to do what the educated classes refuse to do " .
22 Now that this good party of concerted artistes is safely ensconced in the vessel that is to be its forward conducting medium , let all good-thinking people wish it the Speed of God and safe from the influence of diverse foreign bodies that lurk in animated suspension in this murky putrescence of Thames .
23 At present , the first RBG Edinburgh staff contact which the general public has on entering the Garden is with the Constabulary — to all intents and purposes identical in appearance with the Police Force .
24 People called it the Primavera della patria , the Rebirth of the Country .
25 With the roots came dreams of the creation of liberated zones , embracing the generation briefly flirting with peace , the new libertarian-oriented politicos , and , crucially , people doing what the period was supposed to be about , having a good time .
26 Some people misunderstand what the rationality of faith means .
27 But plenty of people thought it the height of irresponsibility to allocate £11 million to having a fling .
28 Multi media gives us the ability to be able to embed pictures in text .
29 Campsfield will house 200 people making it the biggest detention centre for immigrants in the country .
30 Gerard Fusil , a French radio journalist , suffers the same insatiable affliction as Francoise , along with hundreds of other amateurs who want to cheat death with a dramatic natural backdrop , but his connections within the French media gave him the chance to create an annual event to satisfy even the most daredevil adventurer .
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