Example sentences of "[no cls] for example if " in BNC.

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1 job if there 's gon na be an exercise or a they like it to be a real-life practical situation , almost like a simulation of the job rather than something that 's er for example if you were to do a case study , pragmatists would like it be in an insurance-related case study and it could be related to their job very .
2 It will be interesting to know how the wha how the minister proposes to define er materials er material significance , er who will issue guidance on that point er will it be the professional associations , is it something that the government is going to turn it 's mind to and what is , what does it actually mean er for example if the auditor was looking at the Maxwell accounts er what what is a matter of material er er er significance , er for example would it be materially significant that just about every one er er who you spoke to at the time thought that Maxwell was a crook although interestingly that was n't er apparently the view of the regulator or that are directly responsible for these matters , er but even before Maxwell was exposed for the the crook that he was er many , many people knew from him that his conduct , er the way his conducted himself , the D T I itself of course had said that he was a a a manifestly unsuitable person er to be in charge of a company .
3 Erm for example if you hear , an and defence matters as well , if we hear for example that Saudi Arabia has decided to buy a series of British tanks , that is a foreign policy decision whether or not to allow those tanks erm to be sold to Saudi Arabia and we know from the Iraq arms business the way in which erm it is a de a conscious decision of government whether or not to do these things .
4 Erm for example if we ha if I gave you that equation .
5 erm For example if erm two people are walking down the street and there 's a certain amount of jostling , then the victim , if he is a victim , may well consider that it 's not violent , or that it 's nothing out of the ordinary , or that it 's something which is acceptable , and then not take the matter any farther .
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