Example sentences of "of students " in BNC.

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1 LAMDA ( London Academy of Music and Drama ) runs a one-year course for overseas students only , which although not set up as a post-graduate course may include a number of students with extensive university theatre experience as well as some professional experience .
2 ( On the other hand , plays like Tom Stoppard 's Jumpers or Max Frisch 's Andorra offer good opportunities for large numbers of students . )
3 I had just about reached the stairs , when suddenly a white door to my right burst open and a group of students tumbled out , shrieking with laughter .
4 While I was up at university , an awful lot of students from wealthy backgrounds were fiddling the dole somehow , and I reckon that the politicians and civil servants think that all they 're in fact doing is cutting their own children 's pocket money .
5 The majority of students become acclimatised to these sensations after a few flights , but every instructor is aware that some students are particularly sensitive to these feelings and can develop a total abhorrence of stalling and pitching manoeuvres .
6 Perhaps most interesting , but most dangerous , are the very small minority of students who are really chronically affected by this sensation .
7 ‘ We feel it is a healthy situation , ’ Macci said of students going to public schools .
8 It is hoped that the first year 's crop of students will stay on at Hooke Park to help initiate a production plant there .
9 Razumikhin himself may or may not have come from the country , but he is certainly a member of the floating , unbelonging population of students and ex-students , and he records in simple puzzlement that Raskolnikov has been growing increasingly moody and suspicious and introverted ; ‘ he has no time for anything , people are always in his way , and yet he lies about and does nothing ’ — a confirming echo of Raskolnikov on his bed telling Nastasya the maid that he is working , by which he means thinking .
10 Not only have the grammar schools disappeared , but the number of students going into higher education to read English has greatly increased , the social catchment is wider , and reading has come to seem more difficult .
11 There is a further factor that feminists have drawn attention to , which is that the majority of students of English are women , whereas the majority of academics teaching it are male , and that the female students have a built-in deference to male teachers and to the minority of male students .
12 They lead to confusion on the part of students , and it may be too glib to say , as one sometimes hears , that such confusion and disorientation are an inherently desirable part of the educational process .
13 Graff 's proposals for a structured pluralism are admirable in theory , but in practice they would , I fear , merely increase the demoralization of students and teachers .
14 It is not a quality that it is sensible to expect in the generality of students .
15 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
16 The prospect of students saddling themselves with enormous debts to pay their course fees and their maintenance is a frightening one .
17 The registration of students and all grants and loans have been suspended .
18 A third view is that the proportion of students going into permanent employment is what really counts and , here , the polys at least hold their own .
19 The minister disappointed some supporters when he confirmed the Government had abandoned plans for legislation to curb the activities of the National Union of Students .
20 In the eyes of that generation of students he gave Liberalism a magic , a faith in the future .
21 The numbers of students grew , therefore the university could justify the money for new posts .
22 The decision to make this process possible by the foundation of colleges or universities and the financial maintenance of students has been taken , down through the ages , by the sources of munificence in each succeeding period , until in our own day the lion 's share is produced through public funds voted by central government and local authorities .
23 These writings appealed essentially to a generation of students bored with academic life and attracted by the street credibility of the Situationists , and often provided students with the dubious pleasure of being flattered and insulted at the same time .
24 Wacky shape of Volkswagen 's two Varios the work of students , but tidies up in-house by VW 's own team
25 Perhaps , too , if they had known about his ‘ tastes ’ , his friends would have been less puzzled by two of his most mysterious personality traits : his delight in verbal bullying , of students or intellectual opponents , and his apparently cheerful domestic enslavement to Mrs Moore .
26 But the National Union of Students rejected the authority 's report and called for an independent inquiry .
27 The clashes , on November 24 last year , followed marches organised by the National Union of Students in central London to protest against Government plans to replace maintenance grants with top-up loans .
28 Ms Maeve Sherlock , National Union of Students president , said : ‘ The bill would actually give the Government power to introduce a full loan scheme and destroy the grant system . ’
29 Feminists threw their weight behind Mrs Killea 's campaign , and hundreds of students attended a rally in support of abortion rights .
30 A huge proportion of students , many sponsored by companies , were actually ‘ turned off ’ an engineering career by their experience of working in engineering firms .
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