Example sentences of "of making " in BNC.

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1 Since Gift Aids applies to a single gifts it can be a very useful means of making a charitable gift towards the end of the tax year when your taxable income for the year can be estimated with some degree of precision .
2 Any benefit enjoyed by the donor or a ‘ connected person ’ as a consequence of making a gift under Gift Aid must not exceed the lower of £250 or 2½% of the value of the gift .
3 Orlando Azcué Rodriguez was arrested on 5 April 1990 in Havana and brought to trial on 12 October on charges of making ‘ enemy propaganda ’ .
4 From her knowledge of the artists ' attitudes to their work , she pointed to the part that uncertainties played in the process of making their sculpture .
5 As art criticism , it has the merit of making a judgement , though description and interpretation may be meagre .
6 A practitioner 's assessment of other artists ' work , often in the light of making similar attempts , can make intriguing reading .
7 An amusing parallel in the film business is an account given by the director Ken Russell of how he sold the idea of making a film about Tchaikowsky ; he described it to his potential backers as the story of a homosexual who fell in love with a nymphomaniac .
8 The point of making these comparisons is that artistic practices affect how a critic should describe a landscape .
9 It 's what comes of making such a mystery of it .
10 But besides this more obvious point , there are subtler connections between voice and body : Cicely Berry observes that ‘ an introverted and thoughtful person often finds more difficulty in speaking and does not carry the thought through into the physical process of making speech ’ .
11 The comparison is a little strong , but only with the intention of making an important point .
12 Four real beginnings , wrote Harsnet , and four real rejections : the rejection of a life without art , the rejection of art , the rejection of any form of making , and the final rejection of all absolutes and the acceptance of compromise .
13 A means of making the visitor delay .
14 The time of viewing as well as the time of making .
15 Nice echo too of medieval stained glass , while helping to establish principle of making the utterly new out of the old , the ordinary , the commonplace — what could be more ordinary than fuse-wire ?
16 Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art on point of making offer .
17 The 1991 Forum will look at Channel 5 both as an opportunity to provide employment and economic growth outside of London and the South East and as a means of making the non-metropolitan voice heard .
18 However , as you know , most of my savings had vanished while I was unemployed and when I was offered a very nice flat near the school , the financial advantages of making that my single home base seemed overwhelming .
19 I once made the mistake you 're thinking of making and I 've never got over it .
20 The order of movements is relatively unimportant compared to the necessity of making an immediate forward movement to reduce the angle of attack of the wing so that it unstalls .
21 The following incident with an experienced pilot on a K6E drew attention to the importance of making smooth stick movements .
22 More sink puts him well below the intended glide path , but instead of making the decision to choose a field and look around near it for more lift , he glides on .
23 If this happens , the student may not form the habit of checking the situation after every turn and of making his own decision about when to turn back .
24 It will be a matter of making a good landing directly into wind , if that is possible , and of hoping for a minimum of damage to the glider .
25 Alternatively , they may continue to worry about their initial error of judgement instead of making a revised plan of action to get into a good position for the base leg and approach .
26 Lack of confidence often results in the pilot playing it safe with extra height , instead of making an effort to rely on his own judgement .
27 A person who is scared of ballooning will nearly always fly the aircraft onto the ground instead of making well held-off landings .
28 It is part of making sure your whole body is fit .
29 I have many examples in my fieldnotes which show this mode of thought to be so ingrained , that even when the possibility of making such a journey ‘ back ’ to basic police work has long since evaporated , the supremacy of the belief still remains :
30 Our part in this ‘ controlling puritan attack ’ consisted of making the occasional arrest , while pursuing the unquantifiable social role which filled most of our time .
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