Example sentences of "of chapter " in BNC.

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1 His note on the beast of Chapter Seventeen of Revelation , the beast which does n't exist and still has to appear and is destined for perdition , is ‘ generalhuman ’ — the word he coined for Notes from Underground and incidentally never used again in his fiction .
2 Doolittle has based himself on what seems a pellucidly consequential and intelligently written play by Rex Deverell ( also the librettist ) ; and though the piece is offered as ‘ best suited … to alternative audiences ’ , it cuts an oddly respectable figure in the modestly louche surroundings of Chapter .
3 The kindness of chapter 11
4 This is less odd than it looks : it pays creditors to avoid the delays and legal costs of chapter 11 .
5 In 1978 America 's federal bankruptcy code was rewritten in order to make it easier to file for bankruptcy , to reorganise under the protection of chapter 11 of the code , and then to re-emerge as a going concern even under the same management .
6 At the start of chapter 16 we are reminded of it again , and things seem so hopeless now that Sarah urges Abraham to have a child by her Egyptian maid , Hagar .
7 The storyteller himself would have us recall the command of chapter 12 .
8 The promises of chapter 12 , repeated at intervals before Isaac 's birth , must mean nothing .
9 Abraham 's death is not recorded till chapter 25 , and he features , too , at the start of chapter 24 .
10 It occupies a very prominent place in the narrative , therefore , and we might expect something particularly fine and solemn after the heroics of chapter 22 .
11 But the world of chapter 26 is not only familiar to us from the preceding chapters of Genesis .
12 After the events of chapter 26 he brings us to the time when Isaac is nearing death , and to the point when the blessing of the eldest son must be given .
13 We have therefore appended the text of the relevant part of Exodus 18 to that of chapter 16 .
14 But here they are , at the start of chapter 16 , wishing aloud that God had not passed them by on that dreadful night in Egypt , accusing Moses , accusing Moses , of bringing them into the desert to die !
15 Near the start of chapter 14 the people spoke of choosing another leader and going back to Egypt .
16 That is a reference back to the events of chapter 16 , and strange though it is , it is no more extraordinary than their wish in Exodus 16 that they had been killed together with the Egyptians at the time of the Passover .
17 That will turn out to be of huge significance for the action of chapter 4 .
18 Thus the storyteller and the compiler create in us , step by fearful step , a sense of foreboding , and when we learn at the start of chapter 4 that the Israelites are going into battle with the mighty Philistines , then our knees begin to tremble and we dread what the outcome might be .
19 Those are the questions the storyteller and compiler leave in our minds as we enter the action of chapter 4 .
20 Thus the prophecy of chapter 2 and the dark words of God of chapter 3 find fulfilment , our expectations are overturned , and the elders of Israel are taught that their God is beyond their manipulation .
21 Thus the prophecy of chapter 2 and the dark words of God of chapter 3 find fulfilment , our expectations are overturned , and the elders of Israel are taught that their God is beyond their manipulation .
22 So a further part of the prophecy of chapter 2 and the divine judgement of chapter 3 comes to its dark fruition .
23 So a further part of the prophecy of chapter 2 and the divine judgement of chapter 3 comes to its dark fruition .
24 Yet the last in the little series of stories about the ark would have recalled to their minds the story of chapter 4 , and would have reminded them that though they were irrevocably , for better for worse , for richer for poorer , the people of God , they did not have God in their pocket , and could never keep him there .
25 We have already stressed at the end of Chapter 6 how important it is to record your daily weight and also to chart it and plot it on a monthly graph .
26 If the dieter feels she needs extra guidance or added structure to meal planning , she can always refer back to the suggested meals for good nutrition that we gave at the end of Chapter 4 .
27 Whilst Alison states at the end of Chapter 11 that she would not like to have a period as it would signify that she had ‘ let up ’ control over her body , Freya feels quite differently , realising that getting her periods back would be a good sign of recovery .
28 Occasionally there were special programmes : a political rally ; World Cup football ; the arrival of Palestinian fighters into Libyan asylum ; an encounter between Qaddafi and the planners , geographers and economists responsible for some major new project ; a discussion of chapter III of The Green Book ; a People 's Court hearing of charges against President Sadat ( in absentia ) .
29 This was a modified account of chapter III of The Green Book which argues that justice demands women should be free to fulfil their nature .
30 It will be recalled that following the mutual agreement over the continuation of the Bedfordshire scheme in 1930 and the exceptional arrangements made for Cambridgeshire , the Cambridge Board had established its Rural Areas Committee ( RAC ) in 1932 to expand its provision of Chapter III courses in both counties through the activities of its university resident tutors , Shearman and Baker .
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