Example sentences of "of whole " in BNC.

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1 How though to get sense of whole world pausing , before moving on ?
2 But if you think of it as model of whole world , as great cathedrals were said to be , or physicists ' models today ?
3 But tension starting to drain out of whole thing .
4 After all , in Paris and Rome , Copenhagen and Amsterdam , I had frequently made a complete mess of whole sentences , much less place names , and had generally been set in the right direction , after a little bit of repetition and a lot of hand waving .
5 In classical technique , the calm spaciousness and perfection of each part of an enchaînement flows onwards in line as part of whole sentences in the choreographic design .
6 However , promoting extracts for efficiency and ease of use is not guaranteed to preserve the subtlety of whole hop flavour which reflects the many hundreds of compounds and derivatives present .
7 There seems no reason , and the very business of raising such questions is itself part of a widespread collusive conjuring of absences and of whole worlds of what might have been .
8 But they also catch the long and short rhythms of whole human lives and energies , the rush of youth , the coming of exhaustion and indifference , as no other writing I know does .
9 ‘ A mythology can not be created for literary purposes out of whole cloth ; it must be the work of a race . ’
10 If they had just looked at the laws governing slavery , as had done both their contemporaries and more recent social scientists , they would have been unable to distinguish between slavery as a minor and rare form of exploitation , on the one hand , supplying occasional domestic and sexual luxuries , and slavery as the basis of whole economies , on the other hand , where most of production is carried out by slave labour .
11 After all ceremonial and courtly pomp inspired many of the most important works not just of Purcell but of whole centuries of composers , and record companies , egged on by the period performance boom , are more and more investigating them .
12 Now the movements of whole groups of galaxies are providing estimates of W. At Brighton , Avishai Dekel of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Nick Kaiser of the University of Toronto presented maps derived from the peculiar velocities of galaxies using different methods .
13 Even more expensive for a nation with an acute housing shortage is the loss of whole towns .
14 Khrushchev rose with dignity and asked his audience to stop reducing the life and death of whole peoples to a joke .
15 But it is a long way from the recognition of such local features to the interpretation of whole scenes .
16 Some say it was the importing of whole streets of fighting families from the fishquays , with their dockland diversions of prostitution , drug-dealing and handling .
17 ‘ Boardroom struggles for power , wheeler-dealing in the buying and selling of shares and , indeed , of whole clubs sometimes suggest that those involved are more interested in the personal financial benefits or social status of being a director than of directing the club in the interests of its customers . ’
18 Baxter heard of whole households being converted through reading this book in his own day .
19 Illegal camping by gypsies or other travellers can affect the lives of whole communities .
20 The Elton Committee recommended avoidance of the punishment of whole groups , and this is consistent with the view of a judge in one recent case , who said that ‘ Punishment should not be indiscriminate .
21 At the level of whole societies , written language serves the functions of record keeping and of storing both information and literary works .
22 First , there are the considerable methodological problems of economic evaluation of whole policies and programmes in terms of costs and benefits , particularly the latter ( Amos 1982 ) .
23 Darwinians have usually chosen to discuss genes whose phenotypic effects benefit , or penalize , the survival and reproduction of whole bodies .
24 If you sell farm butter and cheese instead of whole milk you can do well if you have the right market .
25 Flying saucers and kidnapping aliens have been postulated to explain the disappearance of whole vessels , supposedly spirited off to distant stars .
26 Before that , though , I opened a can of whole chicken and ripped off a leg dribbling with jelly .
27 A June 1940 issue informed the world that U 235 would yield plenty of energy , yet there was no fear of whole nations being blotted out in one night .
28 Opted-out schools , operating in atomised isolation , in competition with each other and with the rump of the LEA system are unlikely to be capable of collective action in support of whole community needs .
29 Escape from this bind lies in involvement of whole communities in expanding post-16 experience of quality — a huge development ground for partnership .
30 Two slices of whole meal bread or a portion of breakfast cereal with natural bran
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