Example sentences of "be estimated " in BNC.

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1 Since Gift Aids applies to a single gifts it can be a very useful means of making a charitable gift towards the end of the tax year when your taxable income for the year can be estimated with some degree of precision .
2 Thus , if values can be obtained for Ax , Fx and Fy , market demand for product A in country Y can be estimated as A problem might be to identify the factor ( Fx and Fy ) for which data does correlate closely with demand for the product in country X.
3 It is assumed that If Ax\ , Fx\ and Fyz are known , then market demand for product A in country Y in time period 2 can be estimated .
4 Income elasticity of demand for any product will change as income per head rises , but when income per head is currently at a certain level , income elasticity of demand for a product can be estimated from the statistical analysis .
5 For example , the ownership of cars per 1,000 of the population might be estimated from historical data as follows .
6 If not , they can be estimated by knowing that one time zone equals 15 ° longitude .
7 True records of the dolphin kills by this sector of the industry can therefore only be estimated , and are likely to be very conservative .
8 Until 1971 , dolphin mortality could be estimated only from analyses of vessels ' logbooks — and the figures are probably underestimates .
9 The remaining numbers of vaquita can not be estimated ( even the external appearance of the animal was not fully described until 1985 ) .
10 However , given that such maps exist , I find it hard to believe that distances could be estimated by a method analogous to using Pythagoras ' theorem .
11 The damage done to branchwood and underwood could not be estimated .
12 It is interesting that the donor capacity of the anion can be estimated from the colour of the salts .
13 It is easy enough to measure the volumes of lava flows , but it is only by constructing isopach maps that the volume of pyroclastic material erupted can be estimated , and this is particularly important in volcanoes at destructive plate margins , where the mass of magma represented by pyroclastic rocks sometimes far outweighs that represented by lavas .
14 Wind Power The power of the winds , worldwide , may be estimated at three or four times total world energy consumption .
15 A basic assumption of the weeding process is that the value of a book to the members of a particular library can be estimated from the use made of it .
16 Although the overall prevalence of moderate to severe dementia for those aged 65 and over in Britain can not be stated with accuracy ( because the several studies conducted in this country took place in different locations , at different times , with different types of sample , and using different measures and methods of assessment of dementia ; see for example Akhtar AM et al , 1973 ; Clarke et al , 1984 and ; 1986 ; Bergmann , 1971 ; Bond & Carstairs , 1982 ; Gruer , 1975 ; Gurland et al , 1983 ; Kay et al , 1964 & 1970 ; Maule et al , 1984 ; Williamson et al , l964 ) , it can be estimated as somewhere between one per cent and seven per cent of those aged 65 and over .
17 The value to a child of reinforcing activities can be estimated by observing the frequency of behaviours he or she engages in when completely free to choose ( play and TV watching usually figure high on their list of preferred activities ) .
18 The certainty of the output map being correct can be estimated using Monte Carlo simulation .
19 These data had to be estimated from census ED information .
20 The amount of the effect can be estimated in shale sections and a corrective function over the total affected interval can be applied ( Fig. 6 ) .
21 Fracture height can be estimated from log-derived data .
22 Size and quantity of flowers for vases can be estimated and experimented with .
23 Perhaps a certain amount for each plant could be decided upon and gradually the amount needed can be estimated by the children .
24 The main advantage of the Laspeyres index is that the quantity weights are kept constant period after period : this means that the costs of constructing the index are kept low since new weights do not have to be estimated every period .
25 SSAP 18 requires that ‘ a material contingent loss should be accrued in financial statements where it is probable that a future event will confirm a loss which can be estimated with reasonable accuracy at the date on which the financial statements are approved ’ ( para 15 ) .
26 D at may be estimated by substituting D at on the right-hand side of the expression with ( D g * T ) .
27 His wages can be estimated at £8,000 per annum .
28 We suggest that this might conservatively be estimated at 5 per cent in the case of the Dee Hall .
29 By measuring the difference in the height to which the pendulum swings before and after breaking the specimen the energy of fracture can be estimated .
30 Some scientists — and we should add hastily that they are in a small minority — feel that this is mincing words : they feel that by ‘ forever ’ we should mean an infinite number of billions of years rather than a period whose duration can be estimated .
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