Example sentences of "[no cls] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I eased the cork out of the bottle very quietly , as if I was a maître d' in a very posh restaurant .
2 You 'll need a V17 fax at the other end , but these are pretty rare .
3 I have something and I differ forget about the K cos it 's only a like a three times or a fives times
4 If the length being searched for is 10 or more letters , a further test checks for a ±1 match with the required length .
5 A hydrophilic core between four central helices ( yellow ribbon ) in the R2 subunit after the removal of iron from ribonucleotide reductase .
6 Eric Van de Poele scored a timely win in the penultimate round of the F3000 championship , reinforcing his claims for an F1 drive with the Modena Lamborghini team .
7 Actual semiconductor shipments during the month of March were 26.5% up on the February figure at $2,256m .
8 The complementary transistors TR1 and TR2 operate in the emitter follower mode .
9 Indeed , David Kirby stressed how the L&SE call on the PSO grant would be limited by a continued reduction in fleet size ( from 7,465 vehicles to 7,050 vehicles within two years ) and by running fewer and shorter trains to adapt to ‘ reduced demand ’ .
10 as well that I personally a agree with the lady over there as I 'm now , with all the talk of hormo , hormone replacement wonder what it was ?
11 Dem a hit wid de sticks
12 Clearly , our view of the importance of the 64.7% increase in the price of first-class stamps or the 40% increase in the purchase of second class stamps depends on the value involved .
13 Airport operator BAA reported it handled 6.8m passengers at its seven airports in May , 1993 2.9pc increase on the May , 1992 figure .
14 In April industrial production rose by 0.1% , the first increase for seven months ; retail sales fell by only 0.1% , after a big upward revision for March which transformed a 0.8% fall into a 0.4% rise .
15 Note the use of the vous form in the French translation , indicating a level of formality and politeness which are not overtly conveyed in the English original .
16 There was , for example , a 6.2% swing to the Conservatives in Labour controlled councils with less than a 10% increase in household bills , but in fact just one council , Harlow in Essex , falls into that category .
17 Announcing a 13% rise in net profit yesterday , Hong Kong Telecommunications Ltd chief executive Michael Gale said that Cable & Wireless Plc had no plans to cuts its 58.5% stake in the company further , and is committed to staying after the territory returns to China in 1997 .
18 At the end of If I w wait until the end of the business day , so
19 Put on a w put on a er erm
20 So that it er er push off the water , kept the water at bay .
21 Both Myc+Max and Max+Max bind to the same DNA sequence .
22 This was typical of the intellectual , experimental tendencies in French music at this time , the most important of which was musique mesuree a l'antique which owed its inception to a crackbrained idea of the poet Antoine de Balf , an associate of Ronsard and Du Bellay in the Pléiade , who in 1570 persuaded Charles IX to establish an Académie de Poesie et de Musique .
23 We er teeter on the edge of er a crisis virtually at the end of every day and if action is , and strong action is not taken very very quickly , er we have no doubt whatsoever , that the already serious level of , of er incidents within the prison system will escalate totally out of control .
24 a matter will be er that we going to fight er , easily er so I mean i , it meant that the er , that er er some more should be brought out so that it er does er adhere to what er these er er government departments er expect as a response rather than er er as this considered issue raising er , we can er facilitate that er quite er easily but er I think er the the main point is what Hugh has said , that er we opposed it because it 's not going to help in my view it 's not going to help er the patients , the patients are not going to come off any better as a result of er , these er er what I would say and I feel and er the , I I I 'd like to know what er the GP 's think about cos GP 's usually erm er , advise their patients if they have to wait a long time from one hospital , they would advise them to go into London and er , if that 's been stopped as been er that 's been stated erm then erm , er the GP 's are not going to feel very happy about their patients er , getting er erm a lesser service .
25 I thought I had some information here on prices I ca n't seem to find it no no , ca n't find it , never , never mind I 've got some figures here that looks at erm the growth in in trade , er it 's quoting , it says between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine the volume of agricultural trade grew by twenty six percent alright , however that was that represented one third of the growth in manufacturers so agricultural trade is rising but it 's rising much less rapidly than manufacturers here are the prices , at the same time , so between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine er food export prices fell the prices actually fell from eleven percent , t , by eleven percent whereas the unit value of manufactured exports , so essentially the prices of manufactured exports rose on average by twenty percent okay so over the , over that period agricultural prices were actually falling in real terms but if we widen erm s the window that we 're looking at , erm , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen er say over the post war period or if we er go back to the beginning of the century , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen erm but relative to manufacturing they certainly have okay .
26 No I do like the old er pencil in the
27 and it says , you can only appeal it will appear in November , that 's when it 's going to be , er put into the library
28 GET and GET$ wait for a " key " ( character ) to be present in the keyboard buffer and then return the ASCII number of the key ( see Annex A ) or a string containing the character of the key .
29 In the North , three similar cases including a five-year-old York girl Sarah Hendry 's 14month wait for an operation to cure glue ear , were revealed .
30 Okay I think what we 've seen in American politics in the last twenty , twenty years or so is a , an in is er an increasing trivialization of politics the er the mass media , the so called er piranhas er focus on the daily lives of presidents .
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