Example sentences of "the age " in BNC.

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1 A recent survey of church youth groups shows that 1 in 4 have had sex by the time they are eighteen years old , 1 in 10 under the age of sixteen .
2 Another book about the age of Dürer , but on a different topic , is The Limewood Sculptors of Renaissance Germany , by Michael Baxandall , published in 1980 .
3 According to this the picture must have been painted about 1588 , with which the style and the age of the sitter agree .
4 A characteristic historical exhibition may be called something like ‘ The Age of Rembrandt ’ , or ‘ Shock of Recognition ; the landscape of English Romanticism and the Dutch seventeenth-century school ’ ; both of these are actual titles .
5 At the age of sixty-eight Ingres made copies of masterpieces .
6 He wants to go to university , turns up to listen to Einstein , studies hard ; but his father wo n't have it , and at the age of 14 he becomes a soap boy in a barber 's and then a presser in a garment shop .
7 In pretending here to be someone other than himself who keeps murdering people , he does a tremendous job : this is a more than serviceable argot for the age in question and for the wizard in question .
8 In the literature of duality it is the outcast or victim who has dealings with a double , and in the second of the two novels Charles Wychwood is an outcast whose condition copies that of Thomas Chatterton , who committed suicide in 1770 at the age of 17 , having invented a medieval monk , Rowley , and written poems for him .
9 He is a schoolteacher , 29 years old — the age of Christ at Calvary , whose name is often in his mouth , averse though he is to ‘ deities ’ , and perhaps of Hamlet , whose words enter the novel .
10 Sweet , sweet , sweet poison for the age 's tooth :
11 This is not to say , of course , that the age of the corporate brewery — or multinational — will not return : in SAVE and CAMRA 's 1983 report , Nikolaus Boulting wisely warned that future students of interior design may find ‘ that the cycle is complete , from company identity to corporate image and back in three generations ’ .
12 Whilst the age of the theme pub may be over , more and more old pubs are being transformed into identical , pseudo-historical clones .
13 Even the revered classical architect Professor Albert Richardson wrote a book on pubs , establishing their soundness and Englishness in the age of American cocktails .
14 ‘ It 's not only the age problem .
15 1 in 2 people will have had shingles by the age of eighty-five .
16 It is an offence for a shopkeeper to sell solvent based products to anyone under the age of 18 , if they know , or have reasonable cause to believe , that the products are to be abused , and not used for their normal purpose .
17 Women in the age groups described below are now entitled to free and regular screening .
18 ‘ Do n't stop there , ’ said Jay , pouring wine and beginning to understand why Jeremy was so precious , to be redeemed from his traumas and late-night binges even at the age of twenty-five .
19 Now this Act will bind six thousand of us — I am not speaking in my own interest , I am well past the age — but this Act will empty the glens of the young active men — and how can they marry if they are in barracks and camps in England , or in France if you send them there — you say you will not …
20 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
21 In an interview with Mark Paytress in 1988 Leonard stated that by the age of six he was already acquainted with rudimentary Judaism and recalled being deeply touched by the stirring language and imagery of the Bible - in English and Hebrew .
22 Jennifer Capriati , who stormed onto the women 's pro tour at the age of 14 last year , is a product of both the Macci and Saddlebrook academies .
23 Former Macci pupils include Tommy Ho , who turned pro three years ago at the age of 15 , and Will Bull , the National Boys 18 runner-up in 1990 who is a rookie on the tour .
24 Last month , at the age of 38 , he won two more before bowing out to Michael Chang in the fifth set of their third round match .
25 At the age of 22 he set up shop in Sweeting 's Alley , which was near the Royal Exchange .
26 There may be difficulty obtaining a policy over the age of 75 .
27 Minor works grants of up to £1,000 are available to home owners or private tenants over the age of 60 who are in receipt of Income Support , Community Charge Benefit , or Housing Benefit .
28 In April 1992 , for people disabled before the age of 65 Attendance Allowance will be replaced by a new benefit — the ‘ Disability Living Allowance ’ .
29 People disabled after the age of 65 will still be able to claim Attendance Allowance .
30 The aim is to recruit new donors to support the work of the Age Concern Movement .
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