Example sentences of "[am/are] for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously these policies are not for three months , three thousand miles , they are for a much longer period than that , and obviously if people do have problems then that 's what we 're here for .
2 It still seems to me that the acting critics of poesy are for the most part incapable of looking for more than one thing at a time , having got started about 1913 ( I mean a few of ‘ em got started about 1913 and a lot have started since ) to look for a certain plainness and directness of speech and simple order of words ; and having about 1918 got started looking for Mr Eliot 's rather more fragile system ( a system excellent for Mr Eliot but not very much use to any one else ) , they now limit their criticism to inquiring whether or no verse conforms to one or other of these manners , thereby often omitting to notice fundamentals , or qualities as important as verbal directness and even more important than ‘ snap ’ .
3 ‘ Thus we live by hope and faith , thus we are for the most part able to realize what we will , and thus we accomplish the end of our being .
4 Modern living things are for the most part adapted to the modern atmosphere .
5 The important point — which is wholly advantageous — is that ocean temperatures are for the most part constant : strikingly so .
6 However , these are for the most part of very low quality and certainly can not meet the needs of the poorest sectors .
7 As they are for the most part Gaelic-speaking folk , it is difficult to learn from themselves much of their true circumstances ; but there are friends in Portree who would gladly assist any soul who would like to be helpful to the dwellers on Stormy Hill .
8 In the pellets or scats of many of the predators the teeth are either not broken at all or have only suffered minor damage , and these are for the most part the same species for which little damage to the jaws is evident .
9 The descriptions of them in the books we read are for the most part as unlike the truth as are the descriptions of aristocratic life in the books they read .
10 Ramblers are for the most part hybrids of the Japanese species Rosa wichuraiana , or have it somewhere in their not-too-far-distant ancestry .
11 Ramblers , weeping standards — which are for the most part rambler types budded into tall standard stems — climbers , climbing sports and several species types all fall largely within the first category , but so often have peculiarities of their own that we should not generalize .
12 Straight chemical fertilizers are for the most part designed to provide the three major elements nitrogen , phosphate and potash , and seldom if ever contain any of the minor elements .
13 Halflings are not especially warlike by nature , and their troopers are for the most part country watchmen , game wardens and foresters .
14 Rather , it is to emphasise that their members are in general uninformed about it ; and that even where they are not uninformed , they are for the most part unversed in it .
15 Although their boundaries can not be other than arbitrary , the South-West , the West Midlands , the Northern and the rest are for the most part easily identifiable territories , demarcated with a fair degree of consistency by public authorities , the media and national associations of all sorts including political parties .
16 In contrast with the readily-recognizable policeman on the street , pollution control is conducted by agents who , bearing no insignia of office , are for the most part obscure and anonymous .
17 They are cared for by the shepherds , who would once have come up for the summer along with the animals , and slept in their traditional , bleak little cabins ; nowadays , they are for the most part motorized and can commute genteelly to the livestock from their homes below .
18 Nevertheless the rough tone , irregular rhythms and ‘ dirty ’ intonation that most blues singers would have used are for the most part conspicuously absent in Elvis 's performance ; his tone is full , rich and well produced , his intonation is precise , stable and ‘ correct ’ , the notes are sustained and held right through , and the phrasing is legato .
19 The foods that commonly cause or aggravate these conditions are for the most part excluded from the diet .
20 The territories that they inhabit are for the most part inhospitable , with some of the world 's highest mountains and large expanses of desert ; and levels of literacy have traditionally been low ( some of the nationalities concerned had no written language at all at the time of their incorporation into the USSR ) .
21 As we have commented in previous books , the polytechnics in particular are for the most part anxious to redress the anomaly between themselves and universities whereby the latter are allowed to award their own degrees but they are not .
22 In many parts of the country , villages are dormitory and retirement centres ; the farms that now work the land are for the most part out in their fields away from the villages .
23 These are for the most part state-owned or Government-controlled in all EEC countries other than the United Kingdom .
24 Stateless societies are for the most part small tribal societies , without any complex division of labour and economically poor , but some features of their political systems may perhaps also be found in other types of society , especially in village communities such as those of medieval Germany , or of India ( where they were once described as ‘ little republics ’ ) , although in these instances there is already some degree of subordination to a state , however remote , and some element of stratification and inequality of power in the local community itself .
25 The case studies of school self-evaluation which the Open University has carried out in Oxfordshire and elsewhere suggest that teachers are for the most part ignorant of this literature and of the various research strategies , mainly derived from social science , by which valid and reliable evidence about their professional activities might be gathered and judged .
26 Attitudes amongst Oxfordshire teachers towards SSE as a general notion are for the most part moderately positive , but towards the LEA scheme moderately negative , particularly so with regard to the time it takes .
27 It is possible , for example , that a large proportion of loans are for the most recently deposited theses ; alternatively , it could be that some theses are more often requested than others , and that loan records for such theses would be found within different time periods .
28 With the exception of some early state papers in private collections and most notably , the very extensive India Office records , which effectively ceased to be produced in 1948 , the Special Collections of the British Library are for the most part private in their origin and unpredictable in the manner and timing of their acquisition .
29 But functional requirements within a development are for the most part a matter for the developers and their customers .
30 They are thus willing to pay several times more for the wealthy readers than they are for the less wealthy or poor .
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