Example sentences of "[am/are] not used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Possibly , as someone new to The Smiths and their legacy , I simply am not used to Moz 's sense of humour but , really , that joke 's not funny anymore .
2 It is totally pointless to use extra-heavy rods at short range which can not do the job they were designed for if they are not used with lines of the appropriate length .
3 In fact , there is little doubt that a great many of the books and journals purchased by universities are not used at all .
4 Some of the holes are not used at all .
5 Something has obviously got to be done to make sure that these simple shelters , which are there to offer overnight shelter for anyone in need of it , are not used for holiday centres and the like .
6 In such conditions , where drug combinations are not used for an adequate length of time , resistant strains have every chance of profiting from the destruction of their more sensitive relatives , and establishing a reservoir of intractable organisms .
7 Libraries are not used for general scanning-type purposes but only for specific tasks .
8 They can not get around so nimbly in scrub vegetation as the Norfolk lurcher ; they are really for coursing , for a long chase after hares , and my animals are not used for that .
9 But Wittgenstein has been seen to argue convincingly that naming is a subsidiary use of language and that many substantives are not used for this purpose ( the psychological participles like ‘ thinking ’ being the obvious example ) and , furthermore , that naming itself is not a sort of primal act of speech acquisition but a clutch of language-games that need to be mastered like any others .
10 Similarly credits earned on exchange or by credit transfer ( normally a maximum of four exchange credits are allowed ) are counted towards the number of credits required for an award but the marks are not used for the purposes of classification .
11 Although , computers are now widely and fruitfully used in classrooms throughout European schools , they are not used for the purposes commercial publishers expected .
12 But they have requested the two-storey shop units in Clark 's Yard are not used for the same type of shops already there , to prevent competition for existing business .
13 Many of them are not used to disabled people , and , being temporary , they rarely get to know her anyway .
14 For allocation of resources is an area where conservatism of approach ( 'each child must have a textbook' ) tends to combine with administrative convenience and often with the commercial interests of publishers and suppliers to ensure that limited financial resources available to schools are not used to their best advantage .
15 If you have been sedentary for some time and are not used to physical exertion , then you should begin slowly , walking for no more than 20 minutes every other day , at a pace which stretches you but does not overtire you .
16 We are not used to long poems these days , and we no longer expect poetry to do the work of history , psychology and the novel , or to find ‘ the spirit of the age ’ expressed in poetic medium .
17 They are apparently quite relaxed about living next to railway stations , provided they are not used to their full capacity .
18 Multi-AA battery compartments are not used on current Teknetics machines ; they now use PP3s with terminals and wires .
19 Committees are not used as the main method of delegating authority , and authority is more typically delegated down a formal management hierarchy or chain of command .
20 Cash limits are a healthy discipline for departments so long as they are realistic and are not used as a form of clandestine cuts in services .
21 Computers are not used in the primary school although some children may have them at home .
22 If they are not used in the way nature intended they become more subject to dental disease and caries ; chewing fibre-rich foods helps to keep the teeth cleaner and free of plaque in a variety of different ways .
23 The processes of dilution and succussion are specific to homoeopathy and are not used in the preparation of any other forms of medicine , although somewhat similar methods are used by the anthroposophical people in the preparation of the Weleda range of remedies and products .
24 Indeed notions of moral indignation , moral panic or moral conflict are not used in this perspective at all .
25 Pacemakers are not used in those with either first or second degree heart block , or in those with 1:1 conduction rhythm with a normal PR interval .
26 There are ways of indicating the beginning of a new paragraph in a piece of narrative , for example , which are not used in explanatory discourse .
27 Therefore , although statements of the no-arbitrage condition which use continuous compounding are common in the academic literature , they are not used in this book , which will use F = ( S - D ) ( 1 + r ) .
28 Since studies of the volatility-maturity relationship for other assets have found much more support for the Samuelson hypothesis ( even when the high and low prices are not used in measuring volatility ) , this suggests there is something different about the volatility-maturity relationship for index futures .
29 As has been described , radiometer readings are not used in the eventual measure , and were only included in some of the trials as a check .
30 Footnotes are not used in the text .
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