Example sentences of "[am/are] not going [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I am not going up to never
2 ‘ I am not going back . ’
3 I am not going out of my mind , she thought , and if , at the moment , the outside world does not recognise me for what I am , my sister knows she has only to speak a word here and there , to take a decision , and who will listen to me ?
4 It was n't just us ; we were both concerned about what was happening to girls in YTP because this conference today is talking about training and employment and so many of the young girls in West Belfast , the girls who are not going on to third level education , go into YTP .
5 ‘ We inhabitants of the post-historical world ’ , he trumpets , ‘ will have to keep in mind that the truly fundamental transformation in world politics are not going on in a desolate Middle Eastern desert , but back in cette vielle Europe which was the cradle of the idea of human freedom ’ .
6 We are not going back on that , ’ a source said .
7 Her reply is , ‘ You are not going back on something you finished with .
8 They are not going in at the moment but that does n't worry me because he is a smashing lad doing the right things again .
9 ‘ I know that people are not going out of their way to create problems but I believe the national side has a great role to play in terms of providing players with status , confidence and a substantially increased market value .
10 I am happy to give my hon. Friend the assurance that we are not going down the route of a federal Europe .
11 ‘ You 're not going up to your room till you 've washed up the supper things . ’
12 Because they 're not going up er , come the last in team .
13 As long as you 're not going up the village
14 No you 're not going up
15 Well we 're going home now , we 're not going up to Shr to Andy 's straight away .
16 You 're not going up there , no , no , you 're not gon na , what , he 's lovely
17 So we 're not going up this weekend then ?
18 We 'll be there about an hour and a half , as we 're not going on until after the regular Canadian has gone through .
19 Even when told of the embassy 's closure , few seemed alarmed : ‘ Well , they ca n't just leave us here , and we 're not going back , so they 'll have to do something , ’ said one .
20 ‘ You 're not going back there yet . ’
21 Imagine you 're at home and you 're not going back to that madhouse .
22 We 're not going back .
23 We 're not going back to are we ?
24 Or if you 're not going back to the hospital , it will be sent to you by post .
25 You 're not going back on what you said , are you ? ’
26 ‘ We 're not going back .
27 Lucker and Laverne 's mum ideally should wait together and keep each other company because we 're not going back .
28 You 're not going back for a month ?
29 You 're not going back in the family business , are you , Floyd ? ’
30 ‘ You 're not going back there ? ’ she said , fearful and jealous for him .
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