Example sentences of "[am/are] not [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I am not expert enough to say which of the banding systems best fits the bill .
2 It seems that they are not gods exactly , but made of the same stuff as gods .
3 Sadness comes from the incessant playing of the primeval recordings of the mind ; and these recordings are not noise alone but they are like films of horror .
4 Groups are not groups any longer .
5 For the past 150 years our politicians have been droning on about the need to train the British worker to the level of the German , oblivious to the somewhat obvious fact that we are not Germans so can not be expected to behave like them .
6 They are not matters solely of philosophic awareness .
7 He knew that those who are not parents only glimpse the awful forces at work .
8 Those of you who are not students yet but are contemplating it consult our informative qualification guide ( above ) …
9 You have a face like a perfect marble statue , yet I know you are not stone inside .
10 These are not cases where the accused has caused death while in an involuntary state .
11 Fraser ( of Neill 's printing office ) said in his evidence to the Fair Wages Committee in 1908 that it was " three years , but they are not expert immediately after the three years " .
12 Are not managers constantly exhorted to adopt a fresh approach to their jobs and to ‘ streamline ’ their businesses ?
13 These are not things much taught at the 14th-century Sorbonne .
14 Erm , but it seems to be the case that when there are not councillors here whinging away at officers , saying why is n't it working , nothing happens , it all gets sort of forgotten or something .
15 It is also found on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet , which are not sites commonly affected by other rashes .
16 You 're not , and you 're not gon na be blinded by all these like he was , what was he saying about all endowments are are not unit then you were saying yes they are and
17 Feminists who are not linguists also have strong folklinguistic beliefs about women 's speech , and they are — once again — reminiscent of the beliefs of anti-feminists , though of course the feminists interpret them differently .
18 Are not consumers still being denied freedom of choice , resulting in delays in the introduction of more humane systems of husbandry ?
19 No doubt a great deal eventually comes to rest in the deep ocean basins , hut these are not environments much represented in the stratigraphical record of the continents , which have been our main preoccupation .
20 If anemones are not plants why do they need bright lights ?
21 Rooted in this way in the community , the parties are not organizations apart from British society which can , as it were , operate on society from outside .
22 What he suggested was that ‘ the words nice , nasty , morbid , vulgar , dirty , clean are not words merely , but complete attitudes of mind , complete summaries coded in 1910 language ’ .
23 ‘ We 're not friends any longer .
24 They 're not idiots either John .
25 If they 're procedural they go to the procedure owner who follows them through , gives feedback to the person making the suggestion , in the way that we decided already , and if they 're not procedures then the divisional quality manager picks them up and deals with them appropriately , either within the division or by bringing .
26 But they 're not steel now , they 're snakes , and they 're coiling round my ankles , still relentlessly pulling .
27 They 're not acid any longer what 's happened to them ?
28 They 're not competitors so much as colleagues .
29 We 're not drinkers either .
30 You know so I mean y you 're not you 're not miles out .
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