Example sentences of "[am/are] [not/n't] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'll just have to accept that I am not like other girls , ’ she said lightly .
2 I am not against physical punishment if it is needed , but only if it is called for .
3 I am not in total disagreement with Chris Baines , but a great many of use have not choice in where and when we work , or how we travel there .
4 For those tha who are not to familiar with , the initials P P G , it stands for planning policy guidance , and there are a whole series of these guidance notes produced by the Department of the Environment for the er advice guidance of , well not only the local planning authorities but anyone else who is interested in the development business , and they are expressions of , I suppose government policy , er and their attitudes towards various aspects , whether it 's countryside , housing , trans or transport , and they do pro provide a useful backcloth , in fact an extremely valuable backcloth to the way in which er this matter should be considered , erm I know from the submission which North Yorkshire County Council have used they would say that the fact they have n't had regard to all this er , but I would like to carry on the discussion against that background , and could you direct your thinking at this stage about the need for a new settlement in the light of the principles spelt out in P P G three and particularly paragraph thirty three .
5 Although all are good single scullers , they are not to Olympic singles standard , but combined they looked yesterday to have good potential .
6 Most patients coming to hospital after an overdose are not at serious risk .
7 Children are not at increased psychiatric risk if their mother goes out to work , for instance , providing the alternative day care arrangements are of good quality , ensuring continuity of caretaking , adequate love and attention and opportunity for play and conversation .
8 Definition : Investment is the production of or expenditure by firms on goods and services which are not for current consumption : that is , real capital goods , like factories , machines , bridges and motorways , all goods which yield a flow of consumer goods and services in future periods .
9 The improvement may only be apparent ( or pseudo ) if , in addition , the increase in real output per capita is accompanied by negative externalities or is caused by increased production of goods and services which are not for current consumption .
10 It is firms ' spending on goods which are not for current consumption but which yield a flow of consumer goods and services in the future .
11 Writing is the essential tool , even when the sources are not written ( as they are not for oral historians ) .
12 The Black Cuillin are not for ordinary mortals .
13 They are not for genteel walkers .
14 The proposals for it by the UDC 's consultants are not for retail use , but they are ‘ consumption- ’ rather than production-orientated .
15 Property profits , £4.8million in the six months against £4.9 million last year , reflect the group 's continued wish to weed out unwanted retail premises which are not on prime town centre sites ..
16 Property profits , £4.8million in the six months against £4.9 million last year , reflect the group 's continued wish to weed out unwanted retail premises which are not on prime town centre sites ..
17 In that situation , the officer and the suspect are not on equal terms .
18 Unequal negotiating positions Where the parties to a restraint agreement are not on equal negotiating terms .
19 ‘ They are not on quick visits to world hotspots .
20 across the board trouble is when you get these differential spend all the interpretation on them , not that you 're rewarding the good teachers but that some teachers are not worth rewarding .
21 Meanings are not onto logical existents
22 Such developments in South America are not without adverse environmental consequences , though they are more limited than those of African savannas where population levels are much higher .
23 Although the authorities are directly in charge of broadcasting , governments are not without considerable powers over broadcasting .
24 I just have to wait for his letter , but I think the sensible thing to do would be to talk to you about what he 's putting you on because a lot of these drugs are not without potential side effects .
25 These procedures are not without academic credentials ( Haynes 1980 : 102 — 7 ) , and describe the way most organisations have always behaved for most of the time .
26 Many of the grammatical and lexical oppositions in a language are not between equal members of a pair , but between two entities one of which is more marked than the other … .
27 Kohlberg 's dilemmas are not about real people — they ca n't be if the aim of the research is to discover objective principles of justice .
28 The sections which follow are not about computer-based systems and jargon but focus on the information needs and systems of schools .
29 They are not about industrial democracy at all .
30 The issues are not about inappropriate use of authority nor are they about the display of heroics .
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