Example sentences of "[am/are] [noun pl] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The romantic style is the most poetic of all because its movements must express moods , emotions and actions that are reactions to the circumstances and events which surround and occur to characters during the unfolding of plot , theme or music
2 But also of importance are returns to a factor , keeping the other constant .
3 There are returns to the impasto , but thin painting certainly predominates towards the end of the century .
4 It is said that William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King , 101 L.T. 741 and Twyford v. Manchester Corporation [ 1946 ] Ch. 236 are authorities to the contrary .
5 If indeed there are dangers to the health of our children in exposure to low levels of lead , and if we can reduce this exposure by banning lead additives from petrol , then something can and should be done .
6 The little holes are openings to the sensory pores and if you look you will see two lines of them on the sides , the lateral lines .
7 WHATEVER the home unions committee may care to think , the team who performed with great distinction in Paris are Lions to a man — and if the powers-that-be will not grant them the honour with a large ‘ L ’ they can hardly begrudge it with a small one .
8 We are beneficiaries to the extent of a 20 per cent .
9 All States are non-parties to the declaration of any other State , but an accepting State is a party to ‘ the system of the Optional Clause in relation to the other declarant States , with all the rights and obligations deriving from Article 36 ’ .
10 There are solutions to the problem in programs like Suitcase and Font DA Juggler .
11 There are trips to the Lime and Flint centre in Winchester and the Bellingdon brickworks in Buckinghamshire .
12 There are trips to the ancient cities of Vienna and Innsbruck .
13 I suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear intellectual distinction can be drawn between evidence that relates to those who are parties to a trial and those who are not parties to a trial .
14 The 103 nations which are parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) meet in Lausanne , Switzerland , from Monday .
15 Representatives from 103 countries which are parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( Cites ) are still deeply split , but alternative proposals are being canvassed to prevent a confrontation .
16 There is a much greater homogeneity and community of interest and value systems about the Western European states which are parties to the convention than is the case with the world community generally ; it is possible to prescribe with much greater precision and consistency the standards sought to be attained and , once attained , their observance is rendered much more likely , even without special enforcement procedures , by the social and economic interdependence and intercourse with prevails in Western European society as compared with the larger world community .
17 Libya and all members of the Security Council are parties to the 1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation — the so-called Montreal Sabotage Convention .
18 For this purpose lenders should be considered to be part of the same group if they are parties to the same agreement or course of dealing , even if it is not always the same members of the group who participate in individual financings entered into under that agreement or course of dealing .
19 Of the twenty States listed in the Table , thirteen are parties to the more recent Hague Convention of 1965 which does not involve the abrogation of the earlier bilateral Conventions but has in practice superseded them so far as the United Kingdom is concerned .
20 The second is that the obligation to make discovery is limited to those who are parties to the action .
21 Such States are parties to the treaty , but not to the proceedings .
22 We define the " extension " of an abstract convention , like courtesy or legislation or precedent , as the set of judgments or decisions that people who are parties to the convention are thereby committed to accept .
23 This is most obvious east of Ermine Street , though there are traces to the west .
24 They act as a complement to his large works which are responses to a progressive environmental catastrophe .
25 There are benefactions to the church of St Peter the Little in Thames Street and to the Carmelites in Fleet Street .
26 ‘ They are traitors to the Coptic cause . ’
27 The governing principle , therefor , in Britten 's operas is the musico-dramatic thrust , and the words he set to bring the opera about are stepping-stones to the final product .
28 Lotus Development Corp yesterday began shipments of Lotus Notes 3 , which offers cross-system support and is available in a Macintosh client and a server version for Windows and MS-DOS , and there are upgrades to the existing OS/2 server and Windows and OS/2 clients ; Notes Release 3 costs $500 for any client or server implementation .
29 His main hobby is to take derelict old buildings and convert them into habitable homes that are monuments to the Conran design credo .
30 Duomo and baptistry are monuments to the wealth of the city and of many Pisans from 1063 till the mid and late thirteenth century , the age of the sculptors Nicola and Giovanni Pisano , whose pulpits are their supreme adornments .
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