Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friends are right to emphasise that that status operates within the NHS .
2 We think that retributivists and denunciationists are right to insist that there is no justification for punishing someone who has not deliberately and wrongfully broken a just law and thereby exercised a freedom to which they are not entitled ( because to do so has diminished other people 's freedom or has threatened to do so ) .
3 That is why , on the costing basis , we are right to say that it represents another 10p in the pound on basic income tax .
4 Perhaps Upton people are right to say that because they have a tremendous history .
5 Professors Berry and Mott are right to stress that the support of the child and the family is of the utmost importance .
6 You are right to note that two of your photos were used in the last magazine .
7 But if anarchists are right to think that it can never be made , this is for contingent reasons and not because of any inconsistency in the notion of a rational justification for authority , nor in the notion of authority over moral agents .
8 Kobena Mercer and Isaac Julien are right to emphasize that the complexity which arises at the junction of race and sexuality is something which ‘ some people simply do n't want to talk about ’ .
9 I think I am right to claim that I was the first to adopt this plan vs Rudi Douven at Charlton in 1983 .
10 " I have been connected with different unions for this last twenty years " , he declared to the Royal Commission on Labour in 1892 , " but I am sorry to state that they have been formed for the benefit of one man , for he has generally cleared out with the funds " .
11 I am afraid it has met with a cool response from our colleagues , and in view of this , I am sorry to say that we will not be taking up your offer to publish .
12 I am sorry to say that I often broke the tenth commandment for I really coveted that model and expect many of my contemporaries were also guilty of that sin .
13 In fact I am sorry to say that many aspects of the book are disappointing .
14 I am sorry to say that some of them are dead now , and others have left the dale to live in Barnard Castle with their own families .
15 I am sorry to say that I never heard her at her best because of circumstances .
16 But I am sorry to say that , however alert Ivy 's attention was and no matter how much Herman admired Brenda Bruce , they seemed to miss the point .
17 I find it thoroughly fascinating , but I am sorry to say that as much as I enjoy your magazine there never seems to be much advice or any articles for that matter , for women like me .
18 I am sorry to say that all you were demonstrating was stubbornness and/or poor examination technique .
19 I am sorry to say that the same human impulses acted with me , particularly in relation to my bank manager , and I wrote a letter of acceptance .
20 Further to Neil 's Memo to you of the 24th June , I am sorry to say that Newport Borough Council came back to us saying that they could not meet with us on Friday 24th July after all .
21 I am sorry to say that there is no joy here , only despair .
22 I am sorry to say that the hon. Gentleman did not just stoop to the gutter in terms of smearing my hon. Friend : he used a series of inaccurate figures .
23 I am sorry to confess that I did not look forward to seeing him at all .
24 Generally speaking it is best to avoid complex behaviours with small children and parents but if they are unavoidable ensure that the parents know to break them down into small bits .
25 As has already been suggested , so pervasive has the term ‘ permissiveness ’ become that there are few , if any , commentators who are prepared to argue that the term is one that mystifies rather than elucidates .
26 As I emphasized at the beginning , the issue is not just one of zoological taxonomy , it is a problem of ethics , and unless you are prepared to argue that Koko the gorilla might become a Christian , ethics concern rules which apply to human beings but not to non-human beings .
27 Now sadder but wiser , we are prepared to admit that the implementation of curriculum change is a complicated business .
28 But fortunately most people who are asked to help in surveys are prepared to accept that they are appropriate people to answer questions on the survey for which they are approached , and particularly where people feel that they are being asked to give ‘ expert ’ information this can be seen as rather a compliment : ‘ If you want to know about how a housewife organizes her day I can tell you everything you need to know . ’
29 To the extent that people are prepared to accept that there is a crisis of capitalism there is a great tendency to see the problem as comparable to a machine breaking down ; either there is not enough oil , or else a part needs to be replaced or else some bolt needs to be tightened .
30 Whether or not we are prepared to accept that the Neanderthals had an advanced but abstract civilization , we are left with a question : what sort of civilization did the Neanderthals have ?
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