Example sentences of "[Wh det] were become [art] " in BNC.

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1 Also challenging American values as the new decade turned , the themes of Easy Rider were repeated with considerable success , and mercifully Five Easy Pieces was devoid of drugs , which were becoming a bore .
2 Most of the Dialogues are about the kind of research carried on in the new laboratories which were becoming a feature of life by the 1870s .
3 The published accounts of these journeys and the plants found , 250 in Kent and 72 more in Hampstead , were the first records of the herborising expeditions which were to become a regular part of the Apprentices ' training in botany .
4 As a result , by the early 1900s , a nationalist undercurrent was developing led by a charismatic young man , Mustafa Kamil , and though there were strikes and demonstrations ( which were to become a regular feature of Egyptian political life ) , Britain remained as unmoved , aloof and arrogant as ever .
5 Under the treaty with the United Kingdom , the twenty-six counties which were to become the independent state were to remain within the British Empire with dominion status , and the British monarch was to remain head of state .
6 There was intense suspicion of the ‘ foreigner ’ ( although he was as likely to be a trader from the nearby town as a native of another land ) , but the ordinary inhabitants of the territories which were to become the modern States of Europe had no sense of common identity , of membership of national groups .
7 And while the hierarchy of the Roman Church dictated the texts which were to become the canonical New Testament , the monasteries in Egypt embraced a much more diverse body of teaching , exemplified by the Gospel of Thomas and by the other texts found at Nag Hammadi .
8 This book , though most directly concerned with English studies , touched on many wider educational issues which were to become the subject of considerable debate after the war .
9 In 1922 it planned the first of a series of national hunger marches which were to become the NUWCM 's principal contribution to the inter-war years .
10 Shortly before the introduction of the national curriculum , the percentages of time actually spent by the average secondary fourth and fifth year child in England on what were to become the national curriculum subjects ( see below ) of the 1988 Act , or their nearest equivalents , were as shown in Figure 10.1 .
11 To walk the overgrown towpath to Branson 's barge , bang your head as you descended the small , brass-railed ladder and step over the pile of nappies ; to be served stir-fried vegetables and noodles , fresh orange juice and Perrier ; to be treated to a private exposition of what were becoming the most famous teeth in the record industry — to attain these was a sign that a group was truly regarded as important .
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