Example sentences of "[Wh det] were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Water for fulling — cleansing and thickening the cloth — and in due course for driving the industrial mills which were to replace the looms of individual home-based workers was also an important factor .
2 The main trend was for greater powers for the republics , which were to join the new union on a voluntary basis , choosing the level of involvement which they wanted to have .
3 The foregoing is fully applicable to the motivation of all those individuals who influenced the events which were creating the religious climate and who , unbeknown to themselves were contributing to the Created God .
4 Once the industrial and social changes which were transforming the West during the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries began to find military expression , of course , the limits of Russia 's resources would be fully exposed .
5 Parliament was the arena in which were made the most formal decisions : laws applicable to the whole realm , superior to any other rules or customs .
6 The typical Mediterranean wine-olive-wheat complex began , in the eighteenth century , an expansion and modification that were to continue , after the shocks of war , into the nineteenth and which were to transform the agricultural potential of Catalonia .
7 Fortunately , however , they knew enough about Dawn 's condition to question the neurosurgeon closely when he described how Dawn would be fully conscious throughout the operation so that he could identify the damaged brain cells which were causing the spasticity , in order to destroy them .
8 As the political assimilative into which were absorbed the opinions , convictions and energies which would otherwise have been available to impel Owenism and so to maximise its chances of attaining its goal , industrial democracy , the struggle to secure the passage of the Reform Bill demands attention .
9 This resulted in the accounts to 31 March 1989 , which were given a clean audit report , being materially misleading .
10 In 1972 , when he chaired the Hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which were given the imposing title ‘ Causes , Origins , and Lessons of the Vietnam War ’ , a rather dyspeptic Senator Fulbright sought to put much of the blame for American involvement on Dean Acheson , on his European orientations and on his close war-time connections with the British .
11 In the end , however , they and everyone else came to the less romantic conclusion that these objects , which were given the name pulsars , were in fact rotating neutron stars that were emitting pulses of radio waves because of a complicated interaction between their magnetic fields and surrounding matter .
12 In fact it was the sediment particles attached to the shells which were producing the TL .
13 The pace was fast ; they stopped only at way stations which were situated every hundred verst or so to change st'lyan .
14 At some time in the Permo-Triassic one group of reptiles ( ‘ mammal-like reptiles ’ ) actually gave rise to the warm-blooded mammals , which were to lead a rather subordinate existence during the heyday of the dinosaurs .
15 This created the conditions which were to set the pattern of religious justification for strife for centuries to come , and there is little doubt that nearly all , if not all wars in historic time have had some kind of religion or ‘ god ’ put forward as requiring the human race , or parts of it to engage in bloodshed and misery .
16 During the Second World War , three influential reports were published which were to shape the evolution of statutory planing : the Barlow Report , in 1940 , which advocated controlled industrial decentralization from the conurbations ; the Scott Report , in 1942 , which argued for a system of planning controls to protect the agricultural use of the countryside ; and the Uthwatt Report , also in 1942 , which recommended nationalization of undeveloped land to secure for the community the value added to land by the planning system .
17 One of the duties occasionally assumed by the guilds was the maintenance of a charnel , a subterranean chamber into which were placed the bones of the dead disturbed when interments took place in the churchyard .
18 It comprised a circular curtain-wall of stone enclosing a courtyard within which were placed the domestic apartments and service offices , probably of timber construction .
19 By 1968 , the TUC and the Labour Party conference overwhelmingly opposed the government 's wages policy and , ironically for the government , this policy was helping to provoke strikes which were damaging the balance of payments .
20 Even in eastern Europe the active anti-semitic campaigns , which were to stimulate the mass emigration of the Jews , still lay in the future .
21 In front of the television cameras which were transmitting the game live , the two hookers , Bègles ' Moscato and Mallaret of Montferrand , tried to strangle each other .
22 Two other methods , which did not involve a return to the original pasture , were strip grazing , in which sheep were confined to a narrow strip across the field by fences which were moved every few days , and creep grazing , in which a single fence confined the ewes , but since it possessed a " creep " or hole , allowed the lambs to graze forward .
23 To accomplish his Labours and Deeds , Hercules was obliged to travel to far-off places to destroy ferocious creatures which were ravaging the countryside and creating terror among the inhabitants , such as the Lernaean Hydra and the sea monster , to which a Trojan damsel had to be annually supplied .
24 During 1905 , work was commenced on the various lines which were to form the South Metropolitan system , starting first on the Selby Road ‘ Robin Hood ’ Penge High Street section , then the Mitcham Light Railways .
25 Later we were joined in an organising committee by a number of other people who , although acting in a personal capacity , had through their paid employment or voluntary work direct experience of the issues which were to form the core of the conference .
26 She was about to start painting a waterfall scene which would adorn the poolside of a new apartment complex in Praia do Carvoeiro and the special wave-embossed tiles which were to form the base of the picture had arrived .
27 There was a call to say there had been an accident involving a lorry which had careered off the road spilling its load of drums , some of which were leaking an unidentified liquid .
28 Tom Hanks had come to the fair with two ageing horses from the manor he wanted to sell and he brought Carrie with him , riding in a light cart behind which were tied the two horses .
29 But limited partnerships are rare , private companies , which were sanctioned the next year by the Companies Act 198 , having proved more popular .
30 His will is an eloquent testimony of how conventional he was in his views — requiring Requiem Masses and prayers in perpetual memory of himself and of his family — and of how little he foresaw ( for how could he ? ) the changes which were to affect the church — and his bequests — during the next century with the coming of the Reformation .
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