Example sentences of "[Wh det] have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These codes are rather different from the grammars of structuralist poetics because they do not have the status of a model , but are instances of parole which have no ultimate langue .
2 Just as there are many degree courses which have no specific vocational links so also there are many careers which require the application of intelligence and the disciplines learned during time at university rather than specific subject knowledge .
3 And at at the moment of those who are ponses in the County Structure Planning and District Planning erm which have no specific proposals relating to er consideration funds .
4 Although there is a ‘ reserve ratio ’ and a ‘ liquidity ratio ’ , these are mere formalities which have no practical bearing on the credit policies of the banks , whose credit targets are determined by the federal government .
5 It should also be noted that many universities offer extra-mural courses which have no fixed entrance requirements , that the Open University is open entry in terms of prior qualifications , and that many institutions are now developing ‘ access ’ courses which provide non-standard routes of entry to first degrees .
6 When we deal with semantic categories , we find that occurrences cut across grammatical categories : for example , the concept of " negation " can include not only the negative particle not , but other word classes such as pronouns ( nothing , nobody ) and adverbs ( nowhere , never ) , and even items which have no morphological resemblance to these , such as unfinished , impossible , false , hardly .
7 Similar effects operate for d orbitals , but not for s orbitals , which have no orbital angular momentum .
8 A principal feature of Dennett 's case is that we posit features of our unconscious apparatus , which have no necessary connection with the actual thoughts we have , any more than had Hume 's perceptions of causation with perceptions of causes .
9 ‘ He asks you questions which have no real answer .
10 The function of the leave requirement is not spelled out in Order 53 , but it is designed to weed out cases which have no real chance of success or which might be called ‘ frivolous ’ or ‘ vexatious ’ in the sense of being brought not out of a genuine interest in the outcome but for some ulterior motive such as to make things difficult for a government agency .
11 While there are a few things in digital technology which have no possible representation in analogue form — infinite impulse response filters are a good example — most digital blocks derive their shape from the original analogue function .
12 First , in the case of agencies which have no central recording systems containing details of their drug-using clients — GPs , social services , and the probation service — a postal questionnaire survey of all professionals operating in the Wirral branches of these services was conducted .
13 I see women as closer to the tragic than men because of the frailty of their expectations which have no solid foundation in the world .
14 If Parliament wishes to create a specialist body to adjudicate in a given field , it makes little sense to have the decisions of that body reviewed by courts which have no such expertise .
15 Papers published in other journals which have no such limitation may contain many more references , some of which will have had considerable influence on the authors , and others whose influence is slight .
16 Meanwhile the category of ‘ art ’ is normally and even insistently applied to works which have no other purpose but to be works of art
17 Thus a model can be entirely abstract using symbols which have no pictorial quality as in the use of language and mathematics .
18 In the ancient romance , the initial event ( boy meets girl ) and the final event ( boy marries girl ) are separated by a series of Events which have no causal relationship and no natural location , and which , though they impede the relationship between the boy and girl , do not change it .
19 As can be seen from Table 3.1 , there are nine government stocks outstanding which have no final maturity ; they are irredeemable bonds .
20 However , it is also important to avoid introducing unnecessary assumptions , which have no prior basis and can invalidate the methodology .
21 In the second Critique Sartre seems remarkably equivocal with regard to his central question of how struggles which have no controlling totalizer or underlying structure of totalization can be intelligible .
22 The statements made which have no legal effect are often described as being mere " puffs " ( Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball [ 1893 ] 1 QB 256 ) .
23 One way would be for the letter detector for , say , Y-in-the-fifth-position to have inhibitory links not only to the word detectors for words which have any other letter in that position , but also to those detectors for words which have no fifth letter .
24 Every culture will organise the world according to its own perceptions of reality ; thus one language may have words which have no equivalent concept in another .
25 Jones loves himself , blames himself , is his own severest critic , is conscious of what he is doing , etc. are all examples of reflexive relations which have no pluralist import .
26 It would seem to be inappropriate for the criminal law to remove a whole category of persons from its protection on the basis of words spoken at a ceremony of marriage which have no binding force .
27 Again , while distraction can cause forgetting during the day , this is normally confined to very recent memories which have no obvious meaning ( such as unfamiliar telephone numbers that have just been looked up ) .
28 The basic rationale for such courses derives from the discipline itself , and can be seen in its pure form in disciplines which have no obvious employment destination , such as philosophy or history .
29 If " adornment " is to be identified in linguistic patterns which have no semantic utility , we can point to the alliterations clustered in the last few lines .
30 Lesser writers could provide many examples of idiosyncrasies of style which have no discernible literary function .
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