Example sentences of "[Wh det] had [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Highlander was thus free to devote time to other issues which had assumed a growing need .
2 He referred , of course to British Rail which had suffered a drop in investment of £180 million .
3 Its designated area lay at the heart of one of the most economically depressed cities in Western Europe which had suffered a massive withdrawal of private capital during the previous three decades and endured a series of political traumas in the process ( Parkinson , 1985 , Figure 3.1 ) .
4 So far from resolving the issues in dispute , indeed , the public acknowledgement that the protocols had existed began to call in question the legal status of the incorporation of these republics into the USSR , which had followed a Soviet military occupation and a clearly coerced vote by their respective Supreme Soviets .
5 Britain 's role in the world , which had generated a series of transient late-imperial crises between 1956 to 1982 , remained decidedly obscure , as Dean Acheson , Nicholas Henderson , and others had long forecast .
6 Sometimes there was no dieback or decline , at other times there was dieback but it was not connected to pollution , on occasions trees which had lost a third or more of their vegetation were normal .
7 Perhaps Reaumur 's most significant contribution to the biological sciences , however , was his observation of the regenerative power of certain crustaceans which had lost a limb .
8 The American administration also began to impose pressure on Syria — a state which had concluded a friendship and cooperation treaty with the USSR .
9 And the European Community — even the Treaty of Rome which had created a European Economic Community without British participation in 1957 — could be dismissed by Tories and Socialists alike , in its early years , as a dream and an illusion .
10 It was the most prominent of a number of paramilitary groups which had emerged in Georgia and which had created a climate of growing instability characterized by frequent gun battles on the streets of Tbilisi and other towns [ for Mkhedrioni involvement in September 1990 pre-election violence see p. 37723 ] .
11 One of the leaders of the Beijing Spring movement in 1978-79 which had created a " Democracy Wall " in the capital , Wei had been arrested in 1979 and sentenced to 15 years in prison [ see pp. 30495-96 ] .
12 He said that " the political temperature had been pushed unacceptably high " by the ANC campaign which had created a climate making " incidents such as these easier to happen " .
13 But then on my travels I met a vampire which had escaped a great war with the Time Lords of Gallifrey .
14 In return the National Sports Congress , which had organized a campaign against the tour , agreed to call off demonstrations at the remaining four games .
15 President Yoweri Museveni came to power in January 1986 [ see pp. 34536-38 ] at the head of the National Resistance Movement which had waged a guerrilla war since 1981 , first against the regime of President Milton Obote , and subsequently against the military government which deposed Obote in July 1985 .
16 President Yoweri Museveni came to power in January 1986 [ see pp. 34536-38 ] at the head of the National Resistance Movement which had waged a guerrilla war since 1981 , first against the Obote regime and subsequently against the military government which deposed Obote in July 1985 .
17 France 's Maghreb policy was criticized on Nov. 16 by the Polisario Front , which had waged a long struggle for independence in Western Sahara .
18 It was a case , he said , which had aroused a lot of public concern , and it was clear that Mr Smith could not cope in looking after his stock .
19 Yards were a typical feature not only of industrial cities but of many a small country town which had to accommodate a rising population .
20 I crept out from under the chair and smelt the dark liquid which had formed a pool on the hearth and soaked into the rug .
21 The Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) and Greens , which had formed a coalition government in Hesse for 14 months up to February 1987 , benefited from pacifist support immediately after the outbreak of the Gulf war .
22 The Labour Party was particularly critical of government policy in this area when it emerged after April 1 that Guys , the major London teaching hospital which had formed a trust with Lewisham , had made 600 redundancies and closed as many as 25 departments in a series of cost-cutting measures .
23 It was Britain more than any other country which had placed a stamp on all European discussions about integration since the war .
24 Preston 's marriage had been ended , as the official record , Polly and his conscience would have it , by his adultery with Carla , rising star of the modern spoiled-brat school of journalism and presenter of Shrews at Ten , a women 's magazine series which Preston had produced and which had achieved a certain dubious fame before ending in tears , tantrums and Preston 's demotion to the God slot .
25 On Orkney 's west coast cliffs we filmed the memorial to Lord Kitchener and the men of the Hampshire which had struck a mine near the shore in 1916 and gone down with all but a handful of survivors ; in the Flow we spoke to divers still bringing up steel and copper from the Kaiser 's sunken High Seas Fleet ; and on the island of Lamb Holm on the eastern side we filmed a sequence of the little Catholic chapel , fashioned out of a Nissen hut by Italian prisoners-of-war who had built a causeway linking the islands after Prien 's successful foray in U.47 against the Royal Oak .
26 It was feared that the proposed budget for general programmes , set at $345,500,000 for 1991 , was very likely to prove inadequate if the UNHCR assumed new responsibilities in areas which had witnessed a substantial displacement of refugees , including Liberia , Cambodia and the Western Sahara .
27 Imhotep had a chapel at the temple of Isis at Philae and was also linked with the Ptolemaic temple of Horus at Edfu , which had replaced a much earlier temple at the site , possibly dating back to the Old Kingdom .
28 This was in large part a result of the war effort which had stimulated a sense of national pride in ‘ Britishness ’ and had produced cooperation within communities , locally , in towns , in neighbourhoods and at work .
29 The heat , which had declined a little at the coming of the rains , grew more oppressive than ever .
30 A later commentator says that the plan " had been cherished by them for years " and it could very well have its roots in the Caledonian Press experiment , which had ended a mere eight years earlier .
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