Example sentences of "[Wh det] he [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter Rob Grunsell gives a brief outline of his approach to in-service training which he developed at the schools council and published in Finding Answers to Disruption ( Grunsell 1985 ) .
2 The Milan court held Mr de Benedetti had profited unfairly by receiving a £20m share package in an Ambrosiano subsidiary , as well as the 2 p.c. share value in the bank which he sold at the end of his tenure .
3 Richard Roberts seized the opportunity to contract with landowners for the purchase of their wood and furze crop , which he sold at a handsome profit to the tinners .
4 From there he went to Doxford 's Marine Engine Works in Sunderland , after which he served at sea as fourth and third engineer on several steamships .
5 A working compromise was reached only after Barbarossa agreed to hold the Pope 's bridle and stirrup at a formal meeting ; an act of ritual homage which he had at first refused .
6 Instead the address which he had at last been persuaded to give was in a short and narrow street off the Edgware Road , an enclave of cheap , unsmart cafés chiefly Goan and Greek .
7 An obvious explanation is the patronage which he had at his disposal as chief steward , for although this derived from the crown its exercise was a manifestation of the duke 's own good lordship .
8 An obvious explanation is the patronage which he had at his disposal as chief steward , for although this derived from the crown its exercise was a manifestation of the duke 's own good lordship .
9 And yet the mundane circumference beyond which he stepped at such times was also necessary to him : it was the circle in which he could stand and be safe .
10 It appears that he had a recurring dream in which he was told , " Socrates , be an artist " , a command which he ignored at first , supposing that nothing could be a higher " art " than his own philosophizing , but eventually complied with by writing some poetry while waiting for death in prison .
11 Or — a thought struck him — was it in the water from which he drank at the reading lectern ?
12 John Bryan had already produced a paper called Open City in San Francisco , but Art Kunkin , a former Trotskyist , decided to put together a semi-spoof , semi-newspaper , the Faire Free Press , which he hawked at the Faire .
13 This immediate social environment is merely that in which he feels at home .
14 I mention this only because it is one of the dominant features in an inspector 's life , the shadow of which he feels at all times .
15 Blote himself made use of the BKR scheme for twenty-five years ; during the last phase of the scheme 's existence he sold works to the value of DFl.150,000 to the government , most of which he kept at home .
16 bases on which he arrives at a decision that he may sometimes find considerable difficulty in making a good case on paper for some action he may have taken , even though he feels , and subsequent events may prove , that action to have been perfectly correct .
17 Mr Bland said that the cost of the borrowings was much lower than the cost of the group 's equity , which he estimated at 20 per cent per annum .
18 It was in the summer of 1932 that Duke paddled out alone into the biggest swell he had seen in his life , with a stiff offshore from the Koolau mountains pinning back the peaks , which he estimated at thirty feet , as big as the storm waves off Kaena Point .
19 Davies added that at least three people knew the location of Maxwell 's missing millions , which he estimated at £100 million .
20 The shadow chancellor , Gordon Brown , wrote to Mr Lamont asking him to confirm whether he will compensate in full pensioners and others on income support for the rise , which he estimated at £2 a week .
21 FRIENDS fed Anthony Gray a load of codswallop during a fishing trip.His fishy tale of finding a missing gold wristwatch inside a cod 's stomach appears to be a wind-up.National and local papers , television and radio crews fell hook , line and sinker , for the 29-year-old Sizewell B steel erector 's story , but the EADT decided to investigate the claims further.Mr Gray found the watch in the belly of a fish which he landed at Aldeburgh .
22 A spokeswomen at the Museum told Pilot that not a single aeroplane had escaped destruction or serious damage , including Weeks ' Solution aerobatic biplane , in which he competed at the World Aerobatic Championships at Le Havre in July .
23 Today , 30 years after his death , Lewis is remembered more as the author of such enchanting children 's stories as The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe than as a writer and broadcaster on ethical and religious questions , but it is one of those BBC sermons which he delivers at the beginning of this play .
24 Will the Prime Minister confirm that the protocol on social policy which he agreed at Maastricht means that , when social policy and employment standards are discussed in the Community , the United Kingdom ’ shall not take part ’ , shall not vote or have a voice ?
25 Coleridge 's recollections of his Ottery childhood survive chiefly in the resonant and deeply-felt autobiographical letters which he wrote at Tom Poole 's request during 1797–8 .
26 Two other books which he wrote at this time were to cause him serious trouble .
27 A product of St Peter 's College , Colombo and Ceylon University , both of which he represented at cricket , he was well known as a commentator and broadcaster before moving to Bangkok where he became Sports Editor of the Bangkok Post in 1963 .
28 Indeed the Baron himself has almost given up buying ( a recent exception was Constable 's ‘ The Lock ’ , which he acquired at Sotheby 's in 1991 for over £10 million ) , as works of sufficient importance appear so rarely on the market and cost so much when they do .
29 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
30 In addition to classroom support Mrs says that Paul needs general support for three hours per evening in relation to his er social well being in his leisure activities three hours per evening for the four evenings a week which he spends at school , in relation to this I think it right to bear in mind Mr evidence about the school , being a special school of course has generous staffing levels , staffing levels which would make the mouth of any head teacher of any other school water I suspect .
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