Example sentences of "[Wh det] you do for " in BNC.

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1 They all know what you do for a living . ’
2 ‘ Look , Clive , I do n't like what you do for a living , I do n't like the way you treat girls at parties , I do n't like your taste in shirts and I do n't like the way you look .
3 After all I promised my Auntie before she died [ Mr Cannon 's wife ] that I 'd take care of him … and he 's a sweet old man , he 's always grateful for what you do for him . ’
4 Do for yourself what you do for others .
5 Social worth in our society is related to the workplace : you are valued by what you do for a job , not what or who you are as a person .
6 What you do for the first two years is you learn all the theory of being a doctor and you go and you have to between eight of you , learn all about a body you have one body between of you and you learn all about all the muscles and the nerves
7 It 's at the end of the day what you do for them .
8 People appreciate what you do for them so much more if you let them do it occasionally .
9 Like if you are married , and what you do for a living apart from this .
10 ‘ I was just wondering what you do for a living . ’
11 ‘ I wonder what you do for a living ? ’ he asked thoughtfully .
12 You may feel inadequate at this point , because whatever you do for her will not seem to lift the cloud of her despair , but by being willing simply to be there and available in the background , accepting uncritically her inevitable mood-swings , and allowing her to talk , weep , or remain silent just as she wishes , you will be proving your concern for her ; and loving concern and the right to grieve in their own way is what the bereaved need most of all .
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