Example sentences of "[Wh det] it [vb past] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In doing so it also extended and sharpened the tools by which it assured standards across the growing territory of higher education , but at the same time it struggled with the problem of those institutions which increasingly felt that they had served a long enough apprenticeship .
2 Ms Oruene claimed that the faculty had varied to her detriment the terms on which it granted membership .
3 Changes in these attitudes and practices will be the result of a long political process which will certainly take more than a century to work out , and even then will probably compress the time which it took Europe to work through comparable processes .
4 And how interesting was the way in which it took advantage of so little light as to shine enough for me to see it so clearly .
5 Battalions , Northumberland Fusiliers and the actions in which it took part during the 1914–18 War .
6 At the moment the solicitor has the report , which it took Derek quite a while to find , cos it was n't filed where it should have been .
7 J. G. Frazer further suggests that the story of Jacob 's dream ( which was deemed so extremely significant that the spot on which it took place was henceforth sanctified in the Jewish religion ) " was probably told to explain the immemorial sanctity of Bethel , which may well have been revered by the aboriginal inhabitants of Canaan long before the Hebrews invaded and conquered the land " .
8 The choice by the Queen of Lord Home in 1963 was of some importance since the circumstances in which it took place illustrated the difficulties of the process and led fairly quickly to the adoption by the Conservative Party of a leadership election process that was designed ( like the Labour Party 's leadership election ) to make the choice of a Prime Ministerial successor a constitutional formality .
9 But Conran had decided not to soft-pedal in the US and had made up his mind to make a big splash immediately , which required large investments which it took years to recoup .
10 What made this trade especially useful was the small extent to which it depended on re-exports and the very great extent to which it brought markets for English manufacturers , especially in woollen and worsted textiles of the lighter and cheaper kinds .
11 Moreover , the provinces believe there is no need to determine if the management of the blood-supply system was negligent in the pace at which it implemented heat treatment and blood screening measures .
12 For example , in circumstances where there may be legitimate public concern about the violation of human rights by the new regime , or the manner in which it achieved power , it has not sufficed to say that the announcement of ‘ recognition ’ is simply a neutral formality .
13 The company , which has four US and four European offices , has branched out further and has now established an Asia-Pacific operation for which it chose Singapore .
14 Specific ideas on which it sought views were that preparatory advice given before the granting of a legal aid order should be claimed and paid for under that order and not the green form scheme , and that welfare benefit entitlement work should either be limited to a fixed fee or excluded altogether .
15 At the outset of the meeting , the Bank put forward its proposals in relation to Job Security and highlighted the main areas in which it sought agreement with the Association .
16 However , in 1990 the government launched a full-scale economic restructuring package for which it sought World Bank support .
17 On 10 March 1988 , the TBL board called an egm of shareholders for 30 March to consider increasing its share capital , which it had power to do under its articles of association .
18 In certain respects this argument replays for a post/modern politics Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic and the gay ( anti ) sensibility which it helped inaugurate .
19 Meiko is still planning to use the low-cost Tsunami Sparc ( which it helped design ) in a future generation of systems .
20 It stated that Karelia 's constitution and laws took precedence over those of the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union , but that some of Karelia 's state powers were voluntarily delegated to Russia , of which it remained part .
21 Later , when the Northern Ireland Office was established , it relied heavily on it for the information on which it based security and political activities .
22 Whilst it would be an exaggeration to say that the part played by remains true that it is only in an exceptional case that a Government Bill fails to pass into law in substantially the form in which it entered Parliament .
23 Part of the reason why the shareholders had to wait so long for a return was that the original capital had been only 10,000 guineas , and the Company financed itself by fairly short-term loans from the merchants with which it did business , so the shareholders stood at the end of a long line of creditors but could expect substantial returns on their money in the end if the Company survived .
24 Charles I sold the manor to the City of London in 1628 to raise finance , after which it changed hands several times until the Bethell family of Rise held it through most of the 17th and 18th centuries .
25 At that meeting he will be able to announce to clubs that ITV has agreed to pay more than £7m over the next four years , an extension of a contract in which it paid £10.5m over five years .
26 If the West could be confident that full debt forgiveness would automatically be matched by a growth in spending on things like schools and clinics , then the zeal with which it pursued debt-forgiveness might be greater .
27 The JUSTICE report , A Proposal for a Suitors ' Fund , advocates a more radical reform by suggesting that public funds should be used to indemnify litigants against ‘ faults in the system ’ amongst which it included appeals on fact or law .
28 On Dec. 25 the EC published a communiqué in which it considered Russia to be " exercising the rights and international obligations of the former Soviet Union " .
29 On 11 February the monarchist ABC weighed in with a leader entitled " Patriotic alert " , in which it claimed solidarity with " the Falangist faith " and issued dire warnings against the " hidden hand " which lay behind the 9 February disturbance , by which was meant socialism and communism .
30 6.2 Each centre has received a proforma showing the courses for which it presented candidates in session 1988–89 .
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