Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] important as " in BNC.

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1 Cleanliness and hygiene are obviously important as is the siting of new animal houses or manure stores in order to obtain maximum dispersion of the odour .
2 Trees are less important as takers-up of CO 2 than are marine diatoms , and most of the world 's trees grow ( or grew ) in the tropical forests , which were left largely unscathed until recent centuries .
3 The exact people involved in rehabilitation are not important as long as they are enthusiastic .
4 However , considerations of long term safety are also important as lifelong maintenance treatment is usually recommended .
5 Soft facts are also important as they 'll help you to get to know your client better , to understand their feelings , views and aspirations in a number of areas .
6 People are as important as buttercups .
7 As a producer , MacCabe is naturally enough dismayed by this pro-directorial bias : ‘ If you look at what 's been happening to British cinema over the last 10 years or so , then it 's clear that it has tended to be production-led — names like Working Title , Palace Films or Zenith are as important as those of any individual director .
8 ‘ It must proclaim , too , that responsibilities are as important as rights ; that there are no excuses for crime ; and that even those who have turned out to be bad can be helped to be good . ’
9 But there is evidence to support my thesis that status and occupation are as important as cash .
10 It is not the constitution of the central bank which determines its success , it is the policies followed , and overall budgetary policies are as important as pure monetary policy .
11 The starting point is to accept that each individual develops and evolves throughout life , and that the final stages of life are as important as any other .
12 In picture books the drawings , of course , are as important as , or more important than , the text .
13 Lighting and water movement for these types of invertebrates are as important as the foods placed in the aquarium and this is often little understood .
14 Aldous Huxley may well have been echoing Gandhi when he maintained that the means whereby we attain something are as important as the end if not more important .
15 In the broad scheme of things , Kingmaker are as important as Suede .
16 Reliable services are as important as reliable computers — especially to the purchaser from a small business background
17 Attitudes are as important as knowledge .
18 ‘ It is important that the public sees the steam railway just as it was , the details are as important as the Liveries and Locos , ’ said John .
19 ‘ Personality , character and commitment ’ , the DES note , are as important as the specific knowledge and skills that are used in the day-to-day tasks of teaching .
20 Women often are as important as men in making and keeping these links , which is one reason why the importance of the kin network in employment frequently has been missed by other researchers , who have looked for people with the same surname .
21 As with any PC product , hardware endorsements are as important as software , so at its UnixWare early access announcement last week ( UX No 388 ) Univel sewed up a bunch of supporters like WangTek and WangDat , UltraStor , SMC , Microfield , Maynard , Future Domain , DPT , Digiboard , Comtrol , Computone , Ciprico , BusTek , Arnet , Always Technology , Adaptec and 3Com .
22 Pre-operative counselling and support are as important as physical care and some hospitals provide a specialist nurse to help the patient deal with both the physical and psychological problems .
23 At college , the questions you and your fellow students pose are as important as the answers supplied .
24 Names and positions are as important as addresses and telephone numbers and some directories do not give more than the editors ' and advertisement managers ' names .
25 Just as the intervals between the notes in music are every bit as important as the notes themselves , so the bedding planes are as important as the beds .
26 Equally , the human considerations of where a settlement is placed in a region are as important as the physical characteristics of the landscape which must be allowed for .
27 Bauthumley 's or Trapnel 's literary sophistication is limited , yet their writing as cultural documents are as important as Herbert 's .
28 I do not know whether admissions about the past are as important as agreement about the future .
29 As the basis for shared judgement their views are as important as more formal criteria .
30 So I try an encourage them that their images and what they chose to make pictures of are as important as my ones .
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