Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 John Nicholson wafted in and out of their lives and Jack 's recollections of the man he imagined was his father are tinged with a certain sorrow that he had become an alcoholic , with memories of scenes on the home front , and of the young Jack cooling his heels outside one bar or another with a fizzy drink while his ‘ father ’ stood inside drinking neat brandies .
2 The lower reaches of the Sevre Niortaise are swollen with the waters that once covered the whole area , until medieval monks started to dig a spider-web of ditches to drain it .
3 Police say the device bears all the hallmarks of the IRA and officers are liasing with the Anti Terrorist Squad …
4 Sainsburys say the company 's medical staff are liasing with the local council.No employees will be allowed back to work until the infection has cleared up .
5 A NORTH-east farmer wants a few wise men from Scotland to take a behind-the-scenes look at farming in EC member states to see how counterparts are faring with the rules and regulations .
6 These include the Hops Marketing Board and the Nature Conservancy Council , for example , and are justified with the argument that certain functions can best be carried out at arm 's length from central government :
7 Many thousands of stories , large and small , and even feature material are placed with no more than a press release in mail or some short telephone contact , and even PRO 's who work regularly with their own trade publications may , because of the distance between their offices and those of the publication , never have met the editors .
8 This is a scheme whereby unemployed people who require to learn new skills or brush up former skills are placed with an employer for an agreed period of time to achieve those skills .
9 Further details of the 40 junctions including accident histories and mean annual traffic flow figures are given with an enlarged map of the route in Appendix 1.1 .
10 MEN WITH high blood pressure who are treated with a beta blocker drug are less likely to suffer sudden death from a heart attack , a new 11-country study has shown .
11 Make sure they are treated with a wood preservative before nailing or screwing to the frame .
12 The Roman authorities are treated with a respect which is almost excusing them from any responsibility .
13 They are usually very well made , and although there are always some relatively shoddy examples on the market , the vast majority are extremely durable ; provided they are treated with a reasonable degree of care , they will last for many years .
14 In patients with an in situ gall bladder the risks of biliary related problems are higher although they are in keeping with the general incidence in patients who are treated with a sphincterotomy and successful duct clearance .
15 All these guitars have slim necks , which helps to make the beginner 's life easier , and providing they are treated with the same care and respect as more expensive instruments , they should give good service for many years .
16 ‘ However , matters of security are treated with the utmost seriousness and the strongest action will be taken against the passenger concerned . ’
17 Your ideas and comments are received by , managing director of , personally , and are treated with the strictest confidence .
18 It 's astonishing how some formalities have stayed on , even through the mean and hungry 1980s , for no apparent reason than that they were always done , while in other areas of activity important people are treated with the utmost disdain — or worse , with complete new-fangled insincerity .
19 After fermentation , ‘ free run ’ wine is drawn off and the skins are pressed to extract further juice and tannin , which are blended with the ‘ free run ’ .
20 The improvement and refinement of classification at the Library of Congress are undertaken with the recognition that any change will affect the location of previously classified books .
21 Blue skies are criss-crossed with a network of overhead wires .
22 In India , up to a quarter of total cultivable waters are infested with the weed .
23 If you are on a camping holiday and are stopped with a penknife or sheath knife on your belt and a rucksack on your back , most policemen would accept that you need the knife for camping .
24 There is one large , wide , blunt or slightly pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 4–5 oral papillae , which are pointed with the distalmost one being the largest .
25 There is a big difference between the terms that you may be able to negotiate with , say , a US company seeking to recruit you to work in the Middle East and those offered by , say , a West German company offering a job at their headquarters , for which you are competing with a West German national .
26 It also oxygenates the water on warm summer nights or in thundery weather at a time when the fish are competing with the plants for oxygen .
27 This completed , the holes are charged with explosive , then all are joined with a detonator cord ring main .
28 Plain-ended pipes are joined with a plastic sleeve which slips over both ends of pipe and uses rubber sealing rings to make the joint .
29 Twelve hundred and twenty jobs are to go with the closure of the Ravenscraig steel works in Scotland .
30 42 jobs are to go with the closure of accountacy firm KPMG Peat Marwick in Cheltenham .
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