Example sentences of "[am/are] [prep] [det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 People say that Lee is either precious or lazy ( make up yer minds , f—wits ! ) , but it 's become manifest that these songs are worth all the tons of grief and introspection and the endless re-tuning .
2 His principle is to maintain the gardens and grounds as they are for all the residents , so that from outside it is not apparent that the building has been divided up .
3 ‘ You must show cookie here how grateful you are for all the trouble she 's taken . ’
4 A closer look at the DoNH budget reveals extraordinary disparities ; including the fact that they will , by 1995–96 , be giving more than 10 times as much to each of several central London museums than they are for all the national activities and programmes of the English Tourist Board .
5 We 're trying to look to the gaps , and I wonder if we are , as you suggest in the comments that you 've received perhaps losing , we 're not perhaps sufficiently direct in addressing the parish organizations which are after all the core of a parish .
6 Erm we 've feel we 've gone as far as it 's practical to go to meet erm what are after all the genuine needs of genuine needs of our own population .
7 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
8 We may even feel , as certainly I do , that some of the later cantos are of such a nature that it 's hard to conceive in any age of a way of encountering them other than the way we 're here embarked upon .
9 Children 's books today are of such a high standard , they are too luscious to ignore .
10 in part this reflects the fact that occupational skill levels are of such a low order that they present no real requirement for educational preparation .
11 From a subjective viewpoint , these differences do not seem to depend on linguistically-represented concepts , and moreover are of such a general character that it is implausible to ascribe them uniquely to human perceivers .
12 The changes identified by the Tomlinson report are of such a magnitude and involve so great a culture change that the planning and decision making will need to be made with a great deal of care and integration .
13 Earlier in his essay on the rule of law Oakeshott had suggested that to deliberate the jus of lex is ‘ to invoke a particular kind of moral consideration : … the negative and limited consideration that the prescriptions of law should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility capable of distinguishing between the conditions of ‘ virtue ’ , the conditions of moral association ( ’ good conduct ’ ) , and those which are of such a kind that they should be imposed by law ( ’ justice ’ ) ' .
14 a single prostitute who provides services in private premises to one client at a time without spectators is guilty of the common law offence of keeping a disorderly house if it is proved that the services provided are of such a character and are conducted in such a manner … that their provision amounts to an outrage of public decency or is otherwise calculated to harm the public interest to such an extent as to call for condemnation and punishment .
15 We consider for the moment only the case where His non-negative and D is positive , and assume they are of such a size that overflow does not occur ( see problem 2.4 ) .
16 No particular form of words is necessary to create a floating charge ; it suffices if the intention is shown ( a ) to impose a charge on assets both present and future , ( b ) the assets are of such a nature that they would be changing in the ordinary course of the company 's business , and ( c ) the company is free to continue to deal with the assets in the ordinary course of its business .
17 Where a product is entirely integrated within the TNC or its captive suppliers ' networks , or where the intermediate components or materials used are of such a specialized nature that there are simply no available suppliers outside the existing TNC network , then backward linkages are literally forbidden by the logic of global production .
18 The effects of ( b ) arise when barriers are of such a high level as to prevent any entry into the market .
19 ‘ We think that the products coming out of this factory are of such a standard and quality that there is a very good potential to sell them into the market , ’ he said .
20 No , it did n't form part of it and erm if it were to be done it would be having , shall we say , a political impact , but the sums are of such a nature that they are of no significance in the context of the budget as a whole .
21 Palestrina 's more than a hundred Masses are of all the familiar types : Masses like ‘ Aeterna Christi munera ’ , based on the plainsong Matins hymn , ‘ parodies ’ like ‘ Assumpta est Maria ’ based on his own six-part motet , freely composed ones like the Missa Papae Marcelli and Missa brevis , to mention only a few supremely fine examples .
22 We 're against all the stupid surfing talk that 's gone on . ’
23 strip , straight them open so that , they 're like that a bit instead er
24 ‘ You 're like all the rest , ’ he said with disappointment , reading her helplessness with humiliating ease .
25 ‘ I suppose you 're like all the rest — a city-kid who 's never been away from the busy streets before . ’
26 You 're near enuff the same age , ent you ? ’
27 Yeah well they 're from all the
28 ‘ You 're in such a closeted atmosphere and you do get into the character , but I 'd hate to fall in love that way because it would be so artificial .
29 Since playgrounds give our children so much , it 's a great shame that in many areas , the old playparks are being allowed to run down until they 're in such a bad state that it 's easier and cheaper to knock them down and build a carpark than try to make them safe .
30 so , so it 's not gon na be there , and unfortunately it 's going to take a while , because we 're in such a deep recession and recession is bad , and it 's not getting any better
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