Example sentences of "[Wh det] it have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Hardly any of the studies of the crisis go on to consider why the National Government broke the specific pledges upon which it had been formed and went to the country as a government in an election which bore some considerable resemblance to the ‘ coupon election ’ of 1918 .
2 In June 1989 Nagy was reburied , his body being extracted from the common grave into which it had been thrown .
3 Horst and Jurgen would stand to one side of the diggers and , as each turf was cut and while it was being stacked , they would investigate the hollow from which it had been removed .
4 Weir got out of commodity , or off-the-shelf , engineering goods , which it had been making almost since it was founded by the family in 1871 , seeing them as too sensitive to changes to domestic demand and expensive to produce compared with international competitors .
5 In his view , the letter should be used to show that the Board 's policy in the one county in which it had been implemented for at least two years was a misconceived , divisive one .
6 In December 1920 , during a US Senate Sub-Committee hearing in Washington , one of the cable companies publicly revealed the duress under which it had been placed by the British Government .
7 When , three years later , a licence was sought by the Getty Museum for its export , SAVE pressed the local authority to serve an enforcement notice requiring the return of the statue to its plinth in the grade I listed building from which it had been removed .
8 It is thought that previously matured vitrinite would begin to undergo maturation again once it reached the maximum temperature to which it had been originally exposed .
9 But the agency does have the job of approving materials and devices ( as well as drugs ) intended for the treatment of disease , and way back in the late 1960s it rightly concluded that none of the artificial hearts available was fit for the task for which it had been designed .
10 Inevitably , government help undermined the bank 's ability to do the job for which it had been established , and in 1897 the Poles opened the new Land Purchase Bank .
11 Others have progressed rapidly in the beginning , only to experience considerable difficulty in overcoming the final hurdle — almost as though the mind was loath to give up a fear to which it had been clinging for years .
12 Wimpy International Ltd v Warland [ 1988 ] STC 149 had determined that the facts to be considered were : whether an item appeared visually to retain a separate identity ; the degree of permanence with which it had been attached ; the incompleteness of the structure without it ; and the extent to which it was intended to be permanent .
13 Few mystical treatises get off to a more intriguing start than The Fire of Love , which describes the first time Rolle became aware of a heat in his breast which , he insists , was not imaginary or metaphorical but which could be felt as a finger felt the heat of the flames in which it had been thrust .
14 The speed and efficiency with which it had been delivered was impressive , and suggested strongly that Kirov had also worked largely upon intuition .
15 After three dormant years it began humming like a computer , sucking in information of which it had been starved , until my head began to hurt physically with the effort .
16 The most striking feature about the Treaty of Rome , however , was the speed with which it had been reached .
17 Published in 1977 , by the Department of Education and Science the document suggested that the work of schools needed to be analysed in a ‘ quantitative ’ form as well as in the ‘ subjective and qualitative ’ way in which it had been measured hitherto .
18 First , an animal might direct altruistic acts towards individuals with which it had been raised ; in most cases this would have the effect of directing the acts towards relatives .
19 Between 1950 and 1975 the female proportion of the working population rose from 33 per cent ( which it had been since the 1890s ) to over 40 per cent ( Hunt , 1975 ) .
20 So small an area of land was available in Barbados when it turned to sugar in the 1640s that land prices were pushed up to ten times the level at which it had been sold for growing tobacco .
21 By the end of the 1920's Miss Lintorn-Orman 's brand of Fascism had not caught on and the Bolshevik revolution in England , which it had been formed to combat , had ceased to be an event worth waiting for .
22 As Leader of the Opposition , in November 1965 he decided against signing personally a foreword to the report which it had been agreed should be published as a pamphlet by the Conservative Political Centre .
23 C. , 1976 ) the court indicated that while it would determine the existence and the scope of the prerogative power , it would not review the propriety or adequacy of the grounds on which it had been exercised .
24 Trade union activity is gradually gathering strength again after a period in which it had been almost impossible to act publicly .
25 ( Remember Russell 's chicken ( Russell , 1959 , p. 35 ) , whose true beliefs about the regularity with which it had been fed so far led it into a false belief about the security of its future . )
26 Sometimes conditions could be even worse : Godwin , for example , describes a London court where ‘ the basement story of nearly all the houses was filled with foetid refuse , of which it had been the receptacle for years ’ , and one water barrel of 50 to 60 gallons is intended to serve two houses , containing between them at least a hundred people .
27 Vaisey J. referred to The Kestrel ( 1866 ) L.R. 1 A. & E. 78 and In re Queen 's Hotel Co . ( Cardiff ) Ltd. [ 1900 ] 1 Ch. 792 , in which it had been held that an order for a mortgagee to receive its costs ‘ properly incurred ’ required that the costs be taxed on a party and party basis , and held that both the costs of the proceedings and the mortgagee 's other costs , charges and expenses should be taxed on a party and party basis .
28 These therefore were the formations which it had been ruled were eligible for repatriation , and these correspond directly to the four remaining groups of the original six the " Ataman Group " referring to Domanov 's Cossacks , which included two Atamans , Domanov and Krasnov ; von Pannwitz 's 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps ; the " Res Units of Lt Gen Shkuro " , meaning Shkuro 's Cossack Training Unit ; and the " Caucasians , incl Mussulmen " , including Georgian and other Christians and Moslems from Azerbaidjan .
29 What was there to show for the union 's militancy when no-one could recall a single dispute in which it had been successful ?
30 But despite the obvious appeal of this rather pragmatic use of the social class concept , difficulties emerged in societies with social structures different from those in which it had been used apparently successfully .
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