Example sentences of "[Wh det] be leave [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But environmentalists warn that this could also result in third world countries being the destination of some of the toxic materials which are left at the end of the recycling process .
2 Gratuities to your driver and escort which are left to your discretion .
3 Having passed the green flashing light at the end of the main breakwater and also that of the inner Leon y Castillo mole , both of which are left to starboard , arriving yachts should make their way to the small boat harbour .
4 When there is a charge , it will probably be a floating charge , the peculiar features of which are left to Chapter 16 on Company Charges .
5 If you wish to encourage mistletoe to grow upon an old apple tree , you should not use seeds which are left after being hung inside the house over Christmas — these will have dried out and besides , winter is not the time to plant them .
6 Bee stings , which are left in the skin , should be removed with tweezers , then bathed with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in half a glass of water .
7 It 's hard hard to say how much that would have helped the situation out there I mean it definitely would have helped in some degree , but I mean there was still all the oil that was present on the platform in the separators except those which were left under pressure all that would have had to burn .
8 Nor was she unaware of the interest Matt and Silas took in her movements , having caught glances passing between them as they paused to watch her fold the table napkins round the knives and forks which were left in readiness to be picked up from the end of the table .
9 This was followed by numerous copper coins and buttons and then , actually amongst the footprints which were left by my companions , a gold guinea of James II .
10 This was out of 329 volumes which were left after 150 titles were reported missing at the time of the 1865 review .
11 Boost : If your hair is particularly dry it will benefit from a deep conditioning treatment , which is left on the hair for up to 30 minutes .
12 The Flavia is a small tomato , which is left on the vine longer to develop a fuller flavour .
13 But the test itself was also changed , from gross indecency , which like the deprave-and-corrupt test had been adequate to catch most child pornography , to the lesser test of indecency , the precise meaning of which is left to the jury to assess according to their own standards of propriety for children or young people .
14 Every system which is left to itself will , on the average , change toward a condition of maximum probability .
15 There is no definition of " serious " , which is left to the triers of fact .
16 here the spices seem to relate to later photographs Bhimji has recently tried to take of dust in her home : that which is left after natural or unwanted exfoliation be it of ‘ culture ’ , ‘ home ’ or bodily ‘ innocence ’ .
17 I 've ceased trading erm I 'm now selling off all my stock which is left from my home
18 Yet despite their insistence on a new form of human experience ( one which is curiously reminiscent of the early sociologists ' insistence that late nineteenth and early twentieth societies were emerging into a new society which was leaving behind gemeinschaft relations of blood and community ) it is somewhat surprising to find that contemporary postmodern theorists give only schematic attention to human consciousness and agency .
19 Two days later they called me back and said that I could n't go back to Jamaica , but offered me a place in the group going to Thailand , which was leaving in February .
20 They totally dissociated themselves from the Rowdies , who they thought of as kids , who , by mouthing off all the time , started trouble which was left to them to finish off .
21 The dancers avoided the illuminated area , which was left to the middle-aged , balancing plates and only occasionally laughing .
22 These directors were usually given responsibility for all aspects of quality except medical quality , which was left to the initiatives of the Royal Colleges ( see , for instance , RCGP 1985 ; Campling et al.
23 The lenders , whose objects were left in embarrassing limbo when the show made museum history and went bankrupt a month early , may have asked themselves whether they would have been prepared to lend had it not been held at the V&A , and , in fact , it was the V&A which was left with the unbudgeted task of getting the exhibits back to the owners .
24 She has five hedgehogs hibernating in mounds of leaves and a kestrel which was left on her doorstep with a damaged foot .
25 The northern half of the piazza , which was left at a lower level to accommodate a pedestrian subway ( unbuilt as yet ) to the nearby Forum des Halles shopping centre , will be filled in .
26 K acetate 8M ( unc vol. ) was then added and mixture was incubated for 45 min. at 0–5°C and centrifuged at 10Kg for 15 min. 1 volume of 2-propanol was added to the supernatant which was left at room temperature for 30 min. and centrifuged 10 Kg , for 10 min .
27 A bituminous primer was applied to the existing asphalt covering , which was left in position to form a vapour check layer , before layering the insulation and then the finish was provided by a cap sheet of Vulcanite Tribond 350 elastomeric , white mineral .
28 The bomb , which was left in the bargain book department on the first floor of the store , destroyed four units .
29 This is particularly important in the ideological vacuum which was left by the retreat of empire from Africa and Asia where much soil conservation had been designed by colonial administration .
30 He was a big man , not So tall but heavy , with kind of reddish-brown hair-what was left of it-and a finely-kept half-moon beard on his chin .
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