Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [not/n't] to " in BNC.

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1 Our brief list contains four which are not to be found in the BL catalogue as we have seen .
2 Publishers rarely , if ever , charge for personal things like Christmas cards which are not to be offered for sale
3 Words for strong stemming might be filtered through a table of exceptions which are not to be stemmed ( " organism " , " organist " etc ) Strong stemming is an economical but crude way of automatically bringing in some of the halo of see also terms which surround many search words .
4 Any terms in light type which are not to be used as headings in the catalogue direct the cataloguer to a ‘ used ’ heading covering the same or a similar concept .
5 non-descriptors or terms which are not to be used in the index but which appear in the thesaurus in order to expand the entry vocabulary ( terms through which the user can enter the thesaurus and be directed to the appropriate term ) of the indexing language .
6 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
7 Erm and you never know who 's coming in , it could be anybody and if we start saying things which are n't to , then we 'll eventually damage the project a great deal .
8 He complained at length about a Gallic bishop called Aldebert , who held services at springs and groves instead of in properly consecrated churches , spurned the established saints ' cults by distributing his own finger-nails as saintly relics , and invoked the names of archangels which were not to be found in the Bible .
9 As well as accepting the Dutch theologian 's views on salvation , these English Arminians , or Laudians , exhibited a number of other conservative theological and liturgical positions , which were not to be found in continental Arminianism .
10 The 1970 Act required the EPA to prescribe NAAQSs which were not to be exceeded in any region more than one day per year , or during more than a limited period within that day ( table 8.1 ) .
11 He was forcing her to be careful of what she said ; setting up areas which were not to be talked about .
12 And she 'll get all I have , which is n't to be sneezed at . ’
13 One thesis I am arguing for claims that authoritative reasons are pre-emptive : the fact that an authority requires performance of an action is a reason for its performance which is not to be added to all other relevant reasons when assessing what to do , but should exclude and take the place of some of them .
14 If we decide , in the case of the baptism study , that we must carry out fieldwork to collect data which is not to be found in already published sources we must consider how best to utilize what resources we have .
15 Professor Mark Roberts , speaking from the centre of the critical consensus , declared : ‘ It does n't issue from an understanding of reality which is not to be denied , it is not moulded by some controlling vision of things which is at the same time its raison d'être . ’
16 Every mental phenomenon is characterized by what the Scholastics of the Middle Ages called the intentional ( or mental ) inexistence of an object , and what we might call , though not wholly unambiguously , reference to a content , direction toward an object ( which is not to be understood here as meaning a thing ) , or immanent objectivity .
17 They may be liberal , but there is a certain minimum reference to a particular history , above all to a certain person , which is not to be avoided if one is to call oneself Christian .
18 To permit the ex turpi causa defence to be relied upon as an answer to such a claim would , in my view , narrow to a substantial extent the deliberately wide wording of section 6(1) of the Act of 1978 and would , in effect , make a claim for contribution subject to a condition precedent which is not to be found in the Act .
19 Under section 89(2) and ( 3 ) the company may allot shares in accordance with that provision which is not to be treated as inconsistent with section 89(1) within the meaning of section 91 .
20 Each candidate may therefore make 2 attempts but must put a line through the Postage Book form which is not to be marked .
21 Excluded property which is not to be included in the estate of a person ( which means the aggregate of all the property to which that person is beneficially entitled including settled property in which he has an interest in possession ) immediately before his death embraces for CTT purposes : ( a ) settled property situated outside the United Kingdom unless the settlor was domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made ; and ( b ) securities issued by the Treasury subject to the condition that they shall be exempt from taxation while in the beneficial ownership of persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom provided in the case of settled property either that such .
22 Next , the tenant 's adviser should ensure that there is a minimum turnover figure , which is not to be taken into account in assessing the rent , and possibly a maximum figure above which turnover is ignored .
23 In Malone , the Court was asked to recognize a limited common-law right to privacy whereas in Kennedy the Court was asked to take the much bolder step and apply in this sensitive area an implied constitutional right to privacy which was not to be found in the Constitution .
24 TANU 's campaign — and the adoption by Nyerere and his ministers of the Swahili language for most great state occasions — gave the language a status it had not previously enjoyed ; but secondary education , the University College in Dar es Salaam , Parliament , the higher law courts and other important institutions still used English , which was not to be easily displaced .
25 Capetian claims to the exercise of sovereignty evoked a hostile response from the magnates , led by the duke of Aquitaine and count of Flanders , which was not to be stilled by the death of Philip the Fair in 1314 .
26 It gave the house of Foix some claim to the succession in Bigorre and , when Esquivat died without heirs in 1283 , a conflict broke out which was not to be resolved until 1307 .
27 By 1721 Russia had twenty-one permanent diplomatic missions in foreign countries ( including one in Pekin and another in Bokhara ) a number which was not to be exceeded during the remainder of the century .
28 Codes and cyphers still gave some protection against this , and in one or two cases at least cryptography was carried in the seventeenth century to a level which was not to be surpassed for generations to come .
29 When the tsar died at the beginning of 1725 there were twelve Russian diplomatic missions at work in different European capitals , a figure which was not to be significantly exceeded for the rest of the eighteenth century .
30 In this way , youngsters learn what is dangerous and what is not to be feared .
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