Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Another good predator is the arrow crab Stenorhyncus seticornis , which is safe in reef aquaria so long as they do n't contain small shrimps , which are also to the crab 's taste .
2 This represents the number of entries subsequent the specified print sequence number which are also to be proofed .
3 This represents the number of entries subsequent the specified print sequence number which are also to be cross-referenced .
4 Others have drawn attention to the weak political culture : ‘ I perceive the most significant structural defect of our democracy in the lethargy and apathy which are increasingly to be found within our parties and other groups …
5 Our brief list contains four which are not to be found in the BL catalogue as we have seen .
6 Publishers rarely , if ever , charge for personal things like Christmas cards which are not to be offered for sale
7 Words for strong stemming might be filtered through a table of exceptions which are not to be stemmed ( " organism " , " organist " etc ) Strong stemming is an economical but crude way of automatically bringing in some of the halo of see also terms which surround many search words .
8 Any terms in light type which are not to be used as headings in the catalogue direct the cataloguer to a ‘ used ’ heading covering the same or a similar concept .
9 non-descriptors or terms which are not to be used in the index but which appear in the thesaurus in order to expand the entry vocabulary ( terms through which the user can enter the thesaurus and be directed to the appropriate term ) of the indexing language .
10 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
11 Erm and you never know who 's coming in , it could be anybody and if we start saying things which are n't to , then we 'll eventually damage the project a great deal .
12 The tuberous rootstock , up to 4ins ( 10cms ) long , is cylindrical and bears a rosette of leaves which are up to 12ins ( 30cms ) long and 3ins ( 71½–8cms ) wide .
13 " At the east end modern windows are made to the kitchen and chamber , over which are yet to be seen part of three antient lancet windows of the chancel , the center one somewhat higher and larger than the other two ; which were before the alterations deep and narrow .
14 The powerful stimulants of gastric acid secretion present in beer , which are yet to be identified , are thermostable and anionic polar substances .
15 Allowing for a level of coding somewhere between the highly specific and detailed CODOT scheme and that of OPCS , in which are sometimes to be found rather heterogeneous categories .
16 The emphasis at this committee is on records which have just been released , or which are about to be released .
17 At one end of the scale there are short-term bonds which are about to be redeemed , and at the other end long-term bonds — perpetuities — which will never be redeemed .
18 These restrictive measures , sponsored by Ramsay MacDonald , which are never to be forgotten or forgiven by the Labour party , were defended as the inevitable product of the continuing economic crises of the 1930s .
19 The Latin a priori becomes the odd-looking apriori , and that useful little vade-mecum becomes the much more cumbersome vadémécum ( complete with accents which are now to be added , where appropriate , to all borrowed Latin and foreign words , as in mémorandum , allégretto , édelweiss , pédigrée ) .
20 These provisions , which are now to be found in the Companies Act 1985 , Part X , require directors and other primary insiders to disclose their holdings and dealings in the company with whom they are connected by way of employment .
21 Some of the lessons learnt from the accidents were enshrined in safety laws which are now to be scrapped .
22 If we are to adopt a single currency , we must achieve the theoretical advantages which are there to be grasped .
23 There there are disciplinary procedures in in all schools erm which are there to be used .
24 It is also conceivable that there are still natural laws which are still to be discovered and named .
25 The Percys subsequently appear as lords of Leconfield , who built an 84 roomed castle west of Main Street , the old and original part of Leconfield , surrounded by a wide and deep moat , the remains of which are still to be seen .
26 James Harris , writing in 1751 , saw that ‘ all Conversation passes between Particulars or Individuals ’ , and argued that when , at the formative stages of human language , a speaker met another whose name he did not know he addressed him by using ‘ , that is , Pointing , or Indication by the Finger or Hand , some traces of which are still to be observed as a part of that Action which naturally attends our speaking ’ .
27 This being a self-acting incline the empty trucks were dragged up by the full ones , the long chain or rope to which they were linked , passing , of course , around the sheaved wheel the stanchions for which are still to be seen .
28 In the circumstances prevailing in industrial societies , with their mass parties , the only viable kind of democracy is what he called a ‘ plebiscitarian leader-democracy ’ , in which charismatic leaders set goals ‘ which are then to be ‘ sold ’ to the people at large by ‘ party machines ’ , and afterwards implemented with the help of administrative bureaucracies ' .
29 On July 23 , representatives of Zambia 's creditor countries , meeting in Paris , agreed in outline on a 50 per cent debt reduction scheme , the details of which were yet to be decided .
30 The restrictions governing such use which were shortly to be articulated by Gierek , Gomulka 's successor , provide the charter and justification for the military 's conduct in 1981 :
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