Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That Joke Is n't Funny Anymore ’ supplies the lifebelt , a misty acoustic ambience which taunts the best of Morrissey 's emotions .
2 ( 1977 ) have argued that resources should be shifted between spending heads and even between agencies , and Banister ( 1980 ) has argued for a total welfare perspective which involves the best use of all existing facilities , not just the transport-related ones .
3 Brathay Exploration Group ( 05394 33942 ) A revamped and excellent organisation which offers the best chance for 15- to 25-year-olds of getting on an expedition ; this year to South China , Iceland , two to Norway ( Lapland and Jotunheimen ) , around Mont Blanc and to several of the remoter parts of Britain .
4 Food plays an important part in the festivities , especially the Christmas smörgåsbord which offers the best of the country 's cuisine .
5 The EC has made clear its continuing full support for the United Nations Secretary-General 's mission of good offices , which offers the best hope of progress towards a comprehensive , just and lasting solution to the intercommunal dispute .
6 It seems to represent a programme which is extremely good value for the taxpayer and which offers the best prospects of much better services for the user .
7 The incline or slope in the example is taken at 1 in 4 as being that which offers the greatest convenience ; but it is not necessarily 1 in 4 ; and it may be varied without detriment , according to the peculiarities of pits or other pertinent circumstances .
8 It is this which offers the greatest challenge to a photographer .
9 It is this which offers the greatest challenge to a photographer .
10 This may not always be the lowest price available , but the one which represents the best value over a period of time .
11 Does he accept that individuals should have the right to choose representation which represents the best value for money and that there is no saving to the Treasury under his proposals ?
12 Major unworked low-grade stockwork deposits occur at Hemerdon ( Section 5.6 ) , which represents the largest resource of tungsten in Britain , and at Cligga Head on the north Cornwall coast .
13 ‘ My experience at The Dorchester and what I know from the Four Seasons Inn on the Park ( Four Seasons recently acquired the Regent Group ) , shows me that there is a market which appreciates the best service and is prepared to pay £200 a night and more for it . ’
14 The knees should only move slightly — it is the head and upper body movement towards the knees which produces the best results .
15 But Sefton Council 's all-female dog warden team provide the gentle touch which turns the fiercest four-legged fiends into pussy cats .
16 While commendable , it does not fully address the problem which constitutes the greatest danger .
17 It is however landscape which holds the greatest interest for the Royal artist and Deeside , the Yorkshire Dales , and Norfolk are among the areas where he has roamed with sketch-pad and paints .
18 Although Mr. Philipson demurred when the suggestion was put to him , it is palpably clear that his submission amounts to a direct challenge to Mr. Barnes ' affidavit , which contains the clearest possible evidence that the Bank of England did indeed require these documents for the purposes of its own supervisory functions ; this will of course involve collaboration and co-ordination with the Federal Reserve Board 's supervision , on which , as he states expressly in paragraph 13(b) , the Bank of England is in part dependent .
19 Figure 5.12 shows the differences given using the Shotgun model which has the lowest RMS value .
20 REGIONAL health trends uncovered in the survey show that men are least likely to hit the bottle in East Anglia , which has the lowest proportion of heavy drinkers .
21 Were you to turn over that banner which is I think magnificently designed , you would find the other side is entirely about international connections between workers and various groups and so on , so it 's got the international , the wider version and I 'm delighted to know that you have here , you I understand that the G M B is perhaps the only body which has the nearest thing to a formal alliance with the trade union in Germany I mean this is tremendous .
22 NOT have an accident in Nepal , which has the highest number of potential patients per hospital bed .
23 This compares with 2.2 per cent for the nation as a whole , and 3.3 per cent in the South-West , which has the highest concentration of Civil Service jobs .
24 The strongest growth of total employment was reported by the USSR , in Scandinavia ( which has the highest proportion of its population at work ) , and in a number of countries in central and eastern Europe such as Austria , Yugoslavia and Romania ( a broadly similar pattern is evident for manufacturing employment ) .
25 This arrangement does not apply to Scotland which has the highest average wind speeds in Europe .
26 Use a fine pastry flour or an ‘ 85% ’ flour which has the coarsest of the bran removed .
27 ‘ It is peer pressure which has the greatest weight when it comes to children deciding which toys they most want , ’ said Nielsen marketing director Colin Buckingham .
28 He believes that of the three , research , policy and practice , it is practice which has the greatest potential to achieve change , both positively and negatively , and that the researcher is dependent upon the practitioner , even where the policy maker defines the research brief .
29 The management team which has the greatest success in minimising the manpower shortage will :
30 Which has the greatest area ?
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