Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The new European Company may well prove to be the Eurochicken into which EEIGs will hatch , if the Commission succeeds in its renewed efforts to overcome the various problems currently inhibiting its birth .
2 An incipient current account deficit which persists will manifest itself as a regional problem .
3 Du Pont has also concluded a deal with RasterOps Corp which sees the Santa Clara , California-based company handing all of its Sun Sbus products over to Du Pont in return for Du Pont 's GL implementation , which RasterOps will productise for the Apple Computer Inc Macintosh market .
4 Meanwhile , more insurers are increasing the £500 excess to £1,000 , £2,000 plus , which policyholders must pay on any subsidence claim .
5 Capital comes in two forms — debt and equity — so there are two areas in which costs could differ .
6 This brings us inevitably to international law : the rules which make agreements between states binding ; the rules which seek to limit from the outside the kinds of actions which states may take in relation to each other and provide a framework within which they may negotiate .
7 The peace movement can not ignore international law , not merely because many existing provisions tend to provide legal support for the claim that the use of nuclear weapons would be illegal , but also because , in theory at least , it provides the means by which states can bind themselves to restrict the manufacture , storage and use of such weapons ( non-proliferation treaties and regional nuclear-free zones are examples of this ) .
8 A resolution of the 20th international conference of the Red Cross at Vienna in 1965 affirmed the minimum principles to which states must conform :
9 In its place would be a sentencing discretion , which judges would use , in many cases , to mark the relative heinousness of the murder by a determinate prison sentence .
10 This is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the discretionary power described a moment ago , to use extralegal standards to make what conventionalism declares to be new law .
11 This is , indeed , often said to be a presumption to which judges should have regard in interpreting statutes .
12 Given changing pressures on the land — from shifts in policy to the prospect of changes in our climate — we simply have to know which soils can sustain which uses .
13 Postings to specialist courses are made by the Personnel Management Centre , for which recruits can apply to be nominated after one year in the service .
14 The role of finds in dating is looked at in the next chapter , but perhaps the most obvious way in which finds can tell us about the past is by providing evidence about ancient technology .
15 The discussion which follows may involve comparison and the use of various mathematical ideas .
16 The story which follows may sound familiar .
17 The analysis which follows will concentrate on the Education Departments of Polytechnics , Colleges and Universities running DES approved teacher education courses .
18 BR 's journey planner tells you the quickest way from A to B. Shame it ca n't tell you which trains will run on time …
19 We are struggling for a terminal at which trains can come in from all parts of the country , at which there can be an interchange for the continent and at which people can move on relatively quickly .
20 While all the selection of text upon which commands may operate is done from within the window , only character and paragraph formatting commands , and ‘ toggle ’ commands ( page 5 ) , operate within it .
21 What happens may depend on who dies first , Deng , or Yang , or the conservative Chen Yun .
22 An experimental scientist , on the other hand , arranges matters so that what happens will give him the greatest possible amount of information .
23 What safeguards will exist for the independence of a funding council ?
24 But encouraging and rewarding reliance are not always of decisive importance ; it is sometimes better to leave some matter unregulated by convention in order to allow the play of independent judgment both by judges and by the public in anticipation of what judges might do .
25 Practice changed in response to arguments made in the context of adjudication , as arguments about what judges should do in particular cases , not in special miniconstitutional conventions .
26 They sometimes put these dramatic claims in the form of semantic theories : some of them said that propositions of law are synonymous with predictions of what judges will do , or are only expressions of emotion and so not really propositions at all .
27 This idea explains the exciting rhetoric of the early " realist " movement I mentioned earlier : why they said there is no such thing as law , that law is only a matter of predicting what judges will do .
29 What follows may suggest that we have moved a long way from the consideration of reading .
30 What controls should exist for using genetic knowledge in insurance and employment ?
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