Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Oddly enough , in the next murder case I found myself investigating , Geoffrey was to play a small , terminal part , the effects of which were slightly to take the gilt from my findings .
2 This hints at changes which were eventually to destroy the balance of power itself ( the two most important were industrialization and imperialism ) , though their bearing on international affairs was not yet discerned in 1880 .
3 The next year brought the first indications of the troubles which were eventually to lead to the Goldsmiths ' abandonment of the School a decade later .
4 It was bounded and threatened to south and east by the forces of Islam , which were eventually to submerge the ancient eastern Christian Empire with its capital in Constantinople .
5 AD 160 saw the growth of buildings which were ultimately to affect the planning of the civilian town .
6 The beginning of the decade saw storm clouds gathering over Europe with displays of militarism and aggressiveness which were ultimately to lead to the Great War of 1914–18 when millions of soldiers died in the mud-filled trenches of Flanders and experienced other horrors such as Gallipoli .
7 Between 1907 and 1911 he gave lectures which were ultimately to become the renowned Cours Linguistique Générale .
8 Gaston VII of Béarn thus cast himself in the role of his daughter 's protector against the territorial ambitions of Edward 's seneschal , which were soon to lead to Grilly 's dismissal from his post .
9 During his youth , Barbarossa saw a rapid increase in the number of monasteries , considerable development of learning , scientific and intellectual skills , and the beginning of cathedral schools , which were soon to blossom into universities .
10 Round the corner was Dixon 's Blazes , a blast furnace , and the Workers ' Circle , where dreams of socialist emancipation were debated — dreams which were soon to fade for Glasser .
11 The impact of ‘ Democracy Wall ’ had heightened expectations for genuine change , however , which were soon to bring many students temporarily out of the classrooms .
12 Despite its imperfections , which were soon to become well ventilated by the circumstances of individual cases coming before the courts , there were two outcomes which could not be ignored .
13 The needs of commerce and government created a native middle class ( from which were later to come the leaders of nationalist movements ) .
14 The contradictions and misunderstandings which were later to centre around the objects of the Popular Front were , in the main , the product of this attempt to reconcile the defence of parliamentary democracy with the advocacy of eventual revolution .
15 The conflict also showed features of her approach and style which were later to become familiar .
16 The key words , which were later to become something of a catch-phrase , were ‘ fresh start ’ .
17 Derain , although as early as 1904 he had executed a still life in which he seized in a more or less superficial way on some of the aspects of Cézanne 's art which were later to fascinate and influence the Cubists , did not begin to look at Cézanne really seriously until 1906 .
18 The same ship had brought two 16-pounder , two 12-pounder and two eight-pounder [ 7.3 , 5.5 and 3.6-kg ] guns , which were now to prove their value .
19 Support of this kind was to enable Leopold to take his two young children on long musical tours throughout their formative years , tours which exposed them to a variety of European cultures and styles and which were consequently to direct the course of Mozart 's development as a musician .
20 Anyway , six thousand into a standard P E P , now er P E Ps are erm er an instrument which were basically to do with shares , originally and the shares were invested in U K companies , and er the real dividend value of a sh the share , the , the shares have a dividend , and the real value of a P E P is the dividend yield .
21 These new reinforcements arrived only just before a resumption of activities which were swiftly to thin their ranks to an alarming extent .
22 In May 1965 £100 from the Society Stewards ' accounts was set aside as the beginning of a Building Fund , the purpose of which was either to extend the existing halls or to build new ones .
23 The CNAA gave its first approval to a modular course , for example , in 1972 — the logic of which was ultimately to bring the Council strongly into the field of credit accumulation and transfer .
24 He was also appointed by the Town Council to teach Botany in the ‘ Tounis College ’ , the institution which was later to form the University of Edinburgh .
25 Such a phrase neglects the fact that the attack on the was a European literary fashion and that the Spanish was undergoing a complex change , which was later to allow it to revive some of its social and political influence .
26 Berg was also an agent of the Office of Strategic Services , which was later to give birth to the CIA .
27 It would , however , be a great mistake to dismiss the event as an act of folly without any serious consequences , for the proof of the existence of a serious candidate led to the definite rebirth of Bonapartism as a political force in France and it was this movement which was later to carry Louis-Napoleon to power .
28 Nevertheless , in view of the controversy which was later to follow when illness brought my own tenure of office to an end , it is perhaps worth rehearsing the true story .
29 The little nation which was later to present the most radical challenge to the wisdom of the Greeks is mentioned nowhere in the extant pre-Hellenistic texts .
30 His election on three separate occasions as MP for Middlesex in 1768–69 , and the repeated refusals of the House of Commons to admit him as a member , did much to stimulate in London the current of political radicalism which was later to run so strongly there .
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