Example sentences of "[Wh det] [is] taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The contents are then sucked into a large tank on a trailer , which is taken to a local refuse treatment works , where it is emptied and thoroughly cleaned .
2 What has not been substantially deflected , however , is the practical assumption ( in teaching , if not in theory ) of an unchanging literary essence which is taken to inhere within some or other selection of English texts , irrespective of any introduction of parallel , contextual , or complementary studies .
3 Everything has to be taken on trust ; truth is only that which is taken to be true .
4 To locate T g , the linear portions are extrapolated and intersect at the point which is taken to be the characteristic transition temperature of the material .
5 The first-year course gives a broad introduction which is taken to a more advanced level in the second year .
6 Such orbits will either be symmetric ( i.e. be their own image under the symmetry ) or will occur in symmetric pairs , each of which is taken to the other by the symmetry .
7 Undoubtedly Kingston 's favourite verb , it is used again and again to describe the alacrity with which his heroes rush into adventure : by contrast , their enemies often scamper as well , but away from danger rather than towards it , thus implying the superiority of the British race which is taken for granted in the yarns of the last century .
8 The reason for doing this should now be a little clearer : although democracy has often been equated with a system of government , or recently even more narrowly with a method of choosing a government , too much stress on government diverts attention from one of the most constant aspirations behind the idea of democracy — the desire to bridge , or even to abolish , the gap between government and the governed , state and society , which is taken for granted in so much conventional political thinking .
9 This aspect of Richards 's work is worth stressing , because it expresses a belief which is taken for granted by a great deal of literary scholarship and criticism , and which from a more modern point of view may well seem somewhat naive .
10 Accolate , which is taken as a pill , could be it .
11 Here we present a simple hierarchical model which also relaxes the assumptions of constant returns to scale and perfect competition , although we revert to the assumption of a single factor , labour , which is taken as the numeraire .
12 Tobacco is not a food or drink but it is something which is taken into the body through the mouth ( and nose ) .
13 The capital receipts refer to bequests and gifts received , not to investment income ( which is taken into account in the discounting ) .
14 After describing an examination which is taken at the end of schooling ( compulsory schooling ends at 16 , but just over half stay at school till 17 ) and which to British eyes seems remarkably casual , the HMI team observes :
15 For students taking the American Studies strand , a particular feature of the course is the intercalary year which is taken at a university in the United States between the second and final years .
16 The term ‘ best interests ’ is used to justify action which is taken with respect to children , but it is open to abuse , creates confusion and draws a veil of ignorance over important issues .
17 The GDBA provides all the practical and theoretical training required for a City and Guilds kennel staff examination which is taken after 12 months experience .
18 Before dinner , Colin and Rosemary join their guests for an aperitif , which is taken in the drawing room in winter , and , weather permitting , in the summer months , by the summer house .
19 That definition , which is taken from Box 's study , is rather long-winded , but corporate crime is a complex issue .
20 The methodology is best illustrated by an example which is taken from Avison ( 1981 ) .
21 Erm the the erm figure for the whole of the district which is taken from the nineteen eighty one census is fifteen percent of the workforce working outside Richmondshire .
22 The form which is taken by international assistance in the service of process depends upon a number of , necessarily interrelated , factors .
23 Thus , the points that lie in our " invariant set " ( the set of all points lying on intersections of the vertical and horizontal lines ) , each of which is taken by the return map to another such point , correspond one to one with symbolic sequences , infinite on the left , of Ts and Ss .
24 It has set up a Directorate of Women 's Affairs and has sponsored a musical show , ‘ The Women ’ s Vision ’ , which is taken around the villages by travelling artists .
25 But there is then sometimes an interesting area of overlap , where the style is employed for what is taken to be other material : the ‘ drama-documentary ’ , the ‘ dramatic reconstruction ’ .
26 These show how what is taken for granted in one society would be looked upon as being not only strange but perhaps also immoral in another society .
27 Pupils as well as teachers should be aware of secularist tendencies in what is taken for granted in our society and in the educational world , and they should realize that these are not beyond being questioned .
28 presuppositions are what is taken by the speaker to be the common ground of the participants in the conversation .
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