Example sentences of "[Wh det] [is] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 And in all of them homosexuality echoes Augustinian privation — the more pernicious for being deeply , inherently inadequate , a kind of non-being and inauthenticity : an inimical absence which provokes paranoia and on to which is projected the fear of difference inherent within sexual difference .
2 The lease contained the normal covenants for the payment of rent , full repairing covenants , a user covenant confined to the business of ‘ home improvement contractors , ’ and the usual qualified covenant against assignment , to which is appended the following proviso :
3 Put as simply as possible the hypothesis is : — From the start of life up to a certain time which is designated the Dawn of Civilisation , ‘ goodness ’ was being created from one source only , that source being the endless stream of infinitely small but favourable evolutionary changes or events , producing an infinite number of minute units of what , by virtue of its favourable nature , has been termed ‘ goodness ’ , the outcome of each favourable event being regarded as one unit .
4 These meanings are considered to be organised in a cognitive system equivalent to a word memory or internal dictionary , which is called the lexicon .
5 These are forbidden by our law , which is called the Yasa , and so he killed both of them .
6 The well known city of Luzern , possibly one of the country 's greatest tourist attractions , lies at the head of the north-west arm , and the small town of Fluelen , gateway to the Gotthard Pass route , lies 38km ( 24 miles ) away at the end of the long south-east arm which is called the Urner Lake after the name of the Uri canton in which it lies .
7 This relationship between frequency and speed , which is called the Doppler effect , is an everyday experience .
8 A second-rank tensor can easily be constructed by contraction : which is called the Ricci tensor .
9 Therefore it follows that the optimum portfolio ( which is called the ‘ market ’ portfolio ) will consist of all investment assets in the market and that each asset will be held in proportion to the ratio of its own market value to the total market value : where W i is the weight of asset i in the market portfolio .
10 Something which is called the best of and at the same time this barrier , so again be aware .
11 Eh , you can start a game anywhere on this foot foot-line which is called the line , .
12 Mm , see this is a very difficult one to understand , it takes a lot of er working out , you see then he 's also applied , approached the city you see which is called the same thing is n't it ?
13 Each policeman is supplied with a police court attendance card , on which is recorded the date of all attendances at police court in connection with charges or summonses , and each entry has to be initialled by the officer in charge of the station .
14 It passes under a bridge , on the reverse of which is written the ominous words ‘ YOU ARE LEAVING THE AMERICAN SECTOR ’ .
15 Lacroix and Pirotte ( 1977 ) have proposed an alternative calculus which is named the domain calculus in which the fundamental base is that of a domain variable .
16 9 There hovers in Working Class Childhood the ghostly presence of more decent and upright children , serving their time in the restriction of poverty and family solidarity : " the old defensive culture of poverty gave working class children … a sense of security which is denied the present generation … "
17 The American Sixth Fleet is more powerful than Soviet naval groupings in the Mediterranean and as previously observed it fulfils a strategic role which is denied the Soviet navy in this region .
18 The divergence of tissue lineages preceding implantation segregates three precursor populations : one that will give rise to the trophoblast , another that generates extra-embryonic endoderm and a third , the epiblast ( embryonic ectoderm ) , from which is derived the entire fetus and the extra-embryonic mesoderm ( 1 ) .
19 The latter could be related to the impairment , by NSAID , of the gastric nucus layer , which is considered the natural habitat of H pylori organisms .
20 That the quality of the reactions of a period of life in which the superego did not as yet exist should be the pattern upon which is modelled the manic state ( the basis of which is temporary withdrawal of the superego ) is exactly what we should expect .
21 It is not only this informal witness to Jesus which is promised the aid of the Holy Spirit .
22 The Society produces a Journal " Conquest " , in which is published the annual Paget Lecture sponsored by the Society , and regular Newsletters which are sent to all members free of charge .
23 They argued that the basis of the national assessment system should be essentially formative , that is designed to contribute to learning and not simply summative , by which is meant the simple recording of acquired knowledge or skill .
24 In this book the city is Tyneside and its environs by which is meant the areas of the four metropolitan districts of Newcastle , North Tyne side , Gates head and South Tyneside , together with over spill suburbs in South Northumberland and North Durham .
25 In the detailed examination of the spatial organization of Tyneside , use will be made of the idea of ‘ Northern Tyneside ’ , by which is meant the metropolitan districts of Newcastle and North Tyneside together with the adjacent county districts of Blyth Valley and Castle Morpeth .
26 On the one hand , ‘ family life ’ , by which is meant the life of the nuclear family , is much praised in government statements .
27 With the exception of the discourse studies , they do not week to construct an image of the contemporary ideology of racism , by which is meant the socially shared pattern of ideas about race and nationality circulating in contemporary society .
28 However , some authors suggest that governmental elites , by which is meant the permanent officials within a government bureaucracy .
29 For that reality too may be reinterpreted philosophically as an illusion , a world of appearances , what Schopenhauer calls " the veil of maya " , interposed between ourselves and the ultimate reality — by which is meant the ground of being , the primordial oneness or unity of all individual things .
30 A thin layer of cooked cold porridge is spread in the bottom of the tub to which is added the microworm starter culture .
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