Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [art] large " in BNC.

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1 This is why unqualified reports which cite the large , or small , number of TV channels which a coaxial cable can carry are meaningless .
2 We rationalise enthalpy/entropy compensations with reference to residual motions and torsional vibrations which make a larger entropic contribution to binding when -ΔH ≃ kT ( thermal energy at room temperature ) , than when -ΔH > kT .
3 Size is not the main criterion , however , as has been shown by Winterton , the buildings of which occupy a large area , with no apparent country house ; it is essentially a working establishment with enough barns to suggest grain as one of its main products .
4 As a result of their great mobility pyroclastic flows can generate pyroclastic flow deposits , or ignimbrites , which cover a large area .
5 For example , red deer stags which hold a large harem in a sheltered site on one day may have few or no hinds the next day if the wind changes ( see Clutton-Brock et al . ,
6 Also , for the same case , we determine the sign of the elements of A which multiply the larger of the two coordinates from eqn ( 6.4 ) .
7 The simple story of a mentally handicapped child or adult growing up would not be considered dramatic enough for fictional representation ; the drama must focus on a series of events which create a larger than life situation , which will play on the emotions of the viewers .
8 For clauses which form a complete unit on their own , or which complete a larger linguistic unit , syntactic information may well be cleared from working memory once the clause has been analysed .
9 Swags and tails are an elegant form of heading which suit a large room with a classical , formal décor .
10 As a result , a number of multi-national companies have emerged which control a large number of foreign subsidiaries .
11 This night prowler has a low density of cones in its retina and so can only see colour in objects which fill a large part of its field of view .
12 Multi-sprouting will induce more main stems which produce a larger number of small tubers .
13 Dominant winds are those which produce the largest and most damaging waves at any station .
14 This payment structure is particularly suited to projects which generate a large capital sum on completion .
15 Of course this all depends on your opinions or your taste , factors which play a large part in religious observance .
16 He had looked beyond the barriers which play a large part in the landscape of the area , fences and ‘ keep out ’ signs often barring the public from discovery .
17 On Thursday we were taken out to see a revolutionary opera , and it was quite an experience , especially as we were sitting in the 2nd row of the stalls , within ear-splitting distance of the gongs and drums which play a large part in the orchestral accompaniment .
18 Multi-form Index Pages In some LIFESPAN options which require a large range of information to be entered , a number of pages may be necessary to obtain the input data .
19 It is the language of professionals and others working within services , which can in itself be a barrier that stops people discussing those services which form a large part of their lives .
20 It is the myriad solidified fragments of this rock froth which form the large volumes of ash mantling the countryside round the volcano which is definitive of a Plinian eruption .
21 We shall therefore only look at some of the writings we could have considered , and concentrate on those works which contain a large proportion of anthropological discussion .
22 They must be ascribed the status due to calculations which contain a large element of estimation .
23 Porter argues that one should look at the areas of the value chain which contain the largest proportion of costs and then consider what cost-drivers of the ten he identifies cause those costs .
24 Inflammatory conditions of the gut ( whether a result of infection , experimental manipulations or idiopathic ) are associated with increased turnover and activation of intestinal macrophages , which represent a large fraction of the total macrophage pool of the body .
25 Golf course get the thumbs down — the study says they have little to do with farm tourism — and further farm museums , rare breed centres and farm attractions which need a large number of visitors to service a high capital investment should not be encouraged .
26 One exception to this parallelism is those tasks which have a large short-term memory component ( see Group 4 tests , above ) .
27 Dr Kristof Lis , Poland 's minister in charge of the Plenipotentiary for Changes in Ownership , is currently having to wrestle with the fact of real worker power — from the concept of actual ownership to the committees which have a large say in the running of industry .
28 So he favours ‘ stocks which have a large exposure to recovery in the UK , namely Bass and S & N ’ .
29 ( In relation to the last point the authors demonstrate that universities which have a large proportion of their students in halls of residence tend to have lower non-completion rates , and that this finding is common for both sexes .
30 The audience was also asked if they thought that people should be involved in making their views known in schemes such as the Barrage , which have a large local effect .
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