Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] with [det] " in BNC.

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1 He showed that it was possible , starting with a uniform concentration of chemicals which interacted with each other , for the system to develop differences in the concentration of the chemicals , which he called morphogens , such that there would be chemical waves with peaks and troughs of concentration of the morphogens .
2 In the background to this central theme in his thought lie two major influences upon him which interacted with each other and with the impulses derived from Kant .
3 In 1938 I was offered a programme with full rehearsal and that I accepted , though when it came to the time I asked for separate section rehearsals — first strings , then winds — which met with some opposition , particularly as the orchestra was convinced that it knew the music already .
4 Despite winning the election , ‘ we are not as popular as we should be , ’ he proclaimed ; a truism which met with some ungrudging assent .
5 The binding of items emerged as the second most important reason for their non-availability , accounting for around one in five ( 21% ) of unsatisfied requests , while the Library 's inability to locate items when they were requested ( 10% ) , and a tendency for some readers to submit requests for items not appearing in the Library 's catalogues ( 10% ) were additional reasons which occurred with some frequency .
6 To explore this more thoroughly we must look at the changes in the social relations of cultural production which came with these new technologies .
7 And she made a little dint in the ground which filled with some water and became a little pool for the snake to drink out .
8 Under attack on all sides , not least from the infant population which was itself unwittingly helping to spread disease through the narrow streets and alleys of the town , some Frome people found a temporary escape in one or other of the forty or more pubs which vied with each other for custom ; drunkenness was commonplace , and many of those who did n't go to an early grave with some infection or other departed this life with a putrid liver .
9 There was nothing in the section or elsewhere which prohibited different courts on different occasions from making orders which in aggregate exceeded 240 hours , and there was nothing in Evans which conflicted with that conclusion .
10 He narrowed his eyes and saw Hope the Merchant Prince , the aristocrat at large on the Rialtos of the world , feared , admired , dipping silkenly between caskets of treasure , tranches of land , ships , silver mines , paintings , furniture , the collector , the connoisseur , and sending all back to the lonely Scottish estate which burgeoned with those foreign infusions of antique wealth , material goods …
11 Three Burgundians therefore met three Scots in a tournament at Stirling presided over by James II , which began with all the appropriate pomp and ceremony , and then acquired all the merits of a punch-up , which the Burgundians duly won three-nil .
12 In our case , by starting two small congregations which began with fewer than forty , the total number of those attending on Sunday mornings grew from around 200 to around 400 as a result of this strategy .
13 She took out her notebook of numbers and addresses on the Graham Mills murder case and found the number she was looking for — Jozef Taczek 's ex-directory one , which began with those four numbers .
14 He had been smiling at the screen , an expression which fell with such abruptness from his face when he looked at the doorway that Zambia was convinced SHe heard it hit the floor with a crack .
15 ‘ We are talking about the return to power of the Communist nomenklatura ( party elite ) , ’ Mr Kostikov said later in an interview with Russian and Reuter television , ‘ … that very nomenklatura which fell with such a thunderous crash in August 1991 . ’
16 It was the pointy headstock revolution which led to the wide usage of scarf jointing , as the thinner necks which went with such guitars were prone to breaking behind the nut , where the headstock pitched back but the wood grain did n't follow it .
17 This was the ‘ Section Engagés Volontaires ’ , the department which dealt with all prospective recruits .
18 He did not rate his findings on the antibacterial substance worthy of a full paper , and included them in a publication which dealt with several substances derived from Penicillia .
19 Despite the extent of mortality in the first onset of the plague ( and the evidence of heriot payments on the Winchester manors shows a death-rate there of at least 50 per cent ) , wages did not increase startlingly , and until about 1370 there was a rise in rents which corresponded with that in prices ( 60 ) .
20 An inquest into the death of James Carney , 24 , of Thames Road , Redcar , who was a passenger in a taxi which collided with another vehicle , was adjourned yesterday pending the outcome of court proceedings .
21 But I must admit I 've got to know what happened with that goal , or free kick in
22 you 're thinking of direct costs , but erm , Phil was going to ask Jeff if he would chair it , and also if he 'd be willing , to be sort of editor in chief , of Eurofile , so that was yesterday , and I have n't seen Phil since , do n't know what happened with that and went to him that it was a briefing meeting .
23 And what happened with that ?
24 They do n't like to do it what even in under those , I mean the other tooth 's nearly the same size , this is what happened with that tooth of mine there , I was
25 Right so , you know , there are those who would teach that Jesus he would die for our sins and he 's forgiven us sins , but only those who come to him , Jesus died for the sin of the whole world , for every man , woman , boy and girl that has ever lived or ever will live , he died for the sin of the whole world , not just for those even who lived after his death , that 's why it talks about in the Old Testament people like Abraham looking for that day , and so Jesus who in , when he died , because he 's eternal , so we 've got the problems with time , God has n't got problems with time , he 's eternal and so his sacrifice , the sacrifice of him on the cross was effective for Abraham as it is for you , it was as effective for David as it was for Paul otherwise Abraham would never of had his sins forgiven because what happened with all the sacrifice with all the little lambs that were killed and all the goats and all the rest they only acted as a covering for sin , did n't take them away , it covered them , what for , until the moment when Jesus would come and would take those sins away and so when you think of David 's sin , his adultery and his murder , how does he get forgiven for that because Jesus died from the cross and he takes upon himself David 's sin and he takes upon him Abraham 's sin and Noah 's sin and Adam 's sin , just as much as your sin and the person who will be born in ten years time their sin also , all our sins er as Gloria just read there from , from one John to two they were all of him he has died for every one , well that 's his humiliation , hurry along quickly now his exhortation , the period from Jesus 's resurrection onward is referred to as to the , as the state of exhortation , now what does that term mean , well as Jesus according to his divine nature has always been , he was always every where , now in his human nature , before , be , sorry it 's not , it 's not on that one , but before he , he came to earth , he was every where , he was God , he was , he was omnia present that means he was every where at the same time , but he takes upon himself he 's su , he 's , he 's human nature and he takes upon himself the limitations and when Jesus is walking down second avenue in , in Jerusalem he 's not in Nazareth that 's why there were times when people came to er , to , to , came rushing out because they heard that Jesus was passing by , see he was n't there resident with them , he passed by , now he 's gone back to heaven and where is he , he 's in heaven , he , er whereabouts , where do you think Jesus is now , that resurrected body that was glorified that has gone back to heaven , where do you think it is
26 I think that 's what happened with this particular person as well .
27 See what happened with this one that we worked out .
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